The Town of Stark, Herkimer County, 1890 veteran's and widow's census was transcribed from the original microfilm by Lisa Slaski.
This segment of the 1890 census is more formally known as the "Eleventh Census of the United States, Special Schedule, Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines and Widows, Etc." Information gathered on surviving veterans and widows was deemed necessary by Congress due to changes in the pension law extending benefits to a wider range of veterans and widows. The veteran or widow was asked to provide the regiment(s) and company served in, dates of service, and current health status of the veteran. Experienced genealogists know that the 1890 census of the United States was destroyed in a fire several decades later, with material from only a few scattered counties throughout the U.S. surviving. If your Civil War ancestor is listed below, his military and pension records can be ordered from the National Archives.
Lisa: "The remarks within [-] indicate information from the entry that was in question. The remarks within (-) are my comments."
House 145, Family 157
ARMSTRONG, William, Sgt, Co. J, 97th NY Inf, 15 Oct 1861 - 3 Dec 1864
ARMSTRONG, William, Sgt, Co. D, 14th NY [Art?], 3 Jan 1864 - 15 Jun 1865
VanHornesville, NY, right hip (while in 97th), left leg Spotsylvania (while in 14th)
House 114, Family 118
BURST, Benjamin, Pvt, Co. D, 152nd NY Inf, Oct 1862 - 26 Oct 1863
VanHornesville, NY, Gunshot wound chest
House 260, Family 274
BURST, George, Pvt, Co. G, 121st NY Inf, 14 Aug 1862 - 22 Aug 1865
Starkville, NY, gunshot left shoulder and [-?] disability
House 114, Family 118
BURST, Uria, Pvt, Co. D, 152nd NY Inf, 26 Aug 1862 - 13 Jul 1865
VanHornesville, NY, paralysis
House 266, Family 280
DARLING, Isaac, Cpl, Co. A, 121st NY Inf, Jul 1862 - 1863
DARLING, Isaac, Pvt, Co. F, 16 NY Hvy Art, 22 Dec 1 - 23 Jun 1865
Newville, NY, sun stroke and brain trouble
House 233, Family 246
DAVIS, Levi, Pvt, Co. C, 7th NY Lt Art, 30 Aug 1862 - 17 Jun 1865
Starkville, NY, chronic deafness, hard lump on left shoulder
House 109, Family 113
FELLOWS, Christopher, Pvt, (no dates)
VanHornesville, NY, unable to get any dates
House 85, Family 91
FETTERLY, Salathial, Pvt K, 186 NY Inf, 19 Aug 1864 - 2 Jun 1865
VanHornesville, NY, Piles incured in service
House 291, Family 305
FORT, Irving, Pvt, Co. E, 16th NY Hvy Art, 2 Dec 1863 - 8 Aug 1865
VanHornesville, NY, shoulder [-?] at Yorktown
House 153, Family 164
FREEMAN, David, Sailor, Dragon, 29 Aug 1864 - 29 Mar 1865
VanHornesville, NY, Heart D[-?]
House 119, Family 124
HALLENBECK, Claritz, widow of
HALLENBECK, Solomon, Cpl, Co. D, 152nd NY Inf, 26 Aug 1862 - 1864
VanHornesville, NY, died 9PM Sept 7, 1864, shot
House 138, Family 145
LAMBERT, Henry, Pvt, Co. M, 3rd NY Lt Art, 16 Aug 1864 - 26 Jun 1865
Deck, NY
House 292, Family 306
LATTIMER, Lucy, widow of
LATTIMER, Harrison, Pvt, C. J, 121st NY Inf [no dates]
VanHornesville, NY, killed some time in 1863, could not find papers but think they pension [-?][-?]
House 300, Family 315
LISDELL, Silas S., Pvt, Co. C, 155th NY Inf, 1861 - 1865
Starkville, NY
House 127, Family 137
MABIE, [Maryline?], widow of
MABIE, Jasper, Pvt, Co. D, 152nd NY Inf, 26 Aug 1862 - 1865
Deck, NY
House 304, Family 319
MATHEWS, George [no further info]
Starkville, NY, unable to get dates, away from home
House 103, Family 108
MESICK, Peter, Sgt, Co. J, 3rd [NJ?] inf, 10 Apr 1861 - 24 Jul 1864
VanHornesville, NY, shell in left hip, gunshot wound in knee
House 217, Family 230
MILLER, Daniel, Pvt, Co. L, 2nd NY Inf, 23 Dec 1863 - 29 Oct 1864
Starkville, NY, Wellington R.R. shot wound left thigh
House 40, Family 41
MILLER, De Mill, Pvt (no further info)
Town of Stark, Herkimer Co., NY, "added"
House 7, Family 7
MILLER, Harvey, Pvt, Co. [A?], 1st NY Lt Art, 13 Aug 1862 - 28 Jun 1865
VanHornesville, NY
House 218, Family 231
MILLER, Jacob (no further info)
House 159, Family 164
PARR, Robert, Pvt, Co. K, 1st NY Lt Art, 21 Oct 1861 - 24 Jun 1865
VanHornesville, NY, wound right hip
House 178, Family 188
SHAUL, Frederick, Pvt, Co. D, 152nd NY Inf, 27 Sep 1862 - 17 Oct 1865
VanHornesville, NY, Spotsylvania Court House left collar bone and elbow joint broken
House 60, Family 63
SIVER, Robert, Pvt, Co. D, 152nd NY Inf, 4 Oct 1862 - 26 Dec 1863
VanHornesville, NY, Rheumatism and lung trouble of exposure at camp
House 241, Family 265
SMITH, A. H., Pvt, Co. B, 44th NY Inf, 31 Aug 1861 - 12 Sep 1864
Starkville, NY, [-?] left hand Cold Harbor
House 37, Family 38
SMITH, Henry G., Pvt, Co. H, 1st NY Lt Art, 1861 - 12 Jun 1862
Deck, NY
House 56, Family 58
SMITH, James H., Pvt, Co. E, 121st NY Inf, 28 Jul 1862 - 8 Aug 1865
Starkville, NY, shot in left shoulder, 2d & 3d fingers right hand off Little finger right hand [-?] left side neck bayonet w.
House 52, Family 54
SPRINGER, Frederick, Sailor, Lackawana, 28 Aug 1864 - 29 Jun 1865
VanHournesville, NY
House 92, Family 97
THOMPSON, William R., Sgt, Co. B, 2nd MIN Inf, Jun 1861 - Jul 1865
VanHornesville, NY, unable to get any dates
House 45, Family 47
HICKS, [Alarietta?], widow of
VanBUREN, Peter, Pvt, Co. D, 153rd NY, 1864 - "died"
Deck, NY, shot, "widow unable Reg' or dates"
Source: This electronic text was transcribed from original microfilm of the 1890 US census by Lisa Slaski. Due to the difficulties in transcribing old and stylized handwriting, the original census should be referred to.
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