Herkimer County NY Personal and Family Genealogy Site Links

Listed below are genealogy URLs from our queries boards and guestbook signings, and sites directly submitted by family historians. We think they all deserve boosts in hit counts for the dedication and hard work put into them by these researchers.

Does your site showcase ancestors from Montgomery County, New York? If it does, tell us where it is and who they are and we'll take a look! Personal genealogy-related sites only, please.

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8/30/17 - We've just completed another link check, deleting BAD LINKS.

Don't see your homepage? All links that went nowhere have been removed. If you'd like to be re-listed on this page, take a moment to resubmit your web address to the site coordinators, as well as a one-sentence description of the Montgomery County-related contents. We'll review your site for sufficient county content.

Robin L. Boyer's BOYER Genealogy - Robin's site has had the input of some 40 researchers. This is an archived site last updated in late 2010.

Judi Boniface's Obituaries Index: index to obituaries published in the Evening Telegram (village of Herkimer, NY), April 1, 1997 through July 31, 2009.

Town of Ashford, Cattaraugus County: an area that was primarily settled in 1818 by Herkimer County people, including 12 cemetery lists.

My Coffin Roots: Hereld Stuart's COFFIN family who lived in Newport, Herkimer, NY and Deerfield, Oneida, NY. Well organized with Coffin census info!

Cole Family Genealogy: an overview complete with family tree regarding Randy's branch of the COLE Family and the family's travels from MA to VT to NY to Canada to WI to MN and then to Canada again.

Celebration of the Life of Micha Lee Conover - Micha, beloved son of Marv and Donna CONOVER, died in an auto accident in October 1999.

Dave Daniels' DANIELS of Massachusetts Bay - including family lines back to the original settler, Robert Daniell

The Descendants of William Edwards and Christina Smith of Glen, NY: A number of people are working together to compile a complete family genealogy of the descendants of these two people. In addition to the genealogy there are photos, cemetery locations, research resources, and a blog on the site.

Clint DYGERT Compendium: A compilation of the Mohawk Valley, N.Y. DYGERT family from Germany to America.In 1710 Warner Dygert came to America and is the Grandfather of all DYGERT'S who are here today. I have info on the DYGERT'S in America going back to Warner and beyond into Germany. I'm willing to share what I have and possibly acquire new familymembers in the process.

FRANK Family Genealogy:This is a FRANK family that came from Germany in the mid 1700's to Philadelphia, PA. Henry Frank then moved to the Mohawk Valley area of Herkimer County.

The GETMAN Family - "The focus of this site is on the Getmans who arrived in New York with the Palatine migration from the Rhine Valley in Germany." Designed and maintained by Maureen Waelder Getman, Secretary of the Getman Association, the website is primarily dedicated to Getman Genealogy with expansion into family histories, photographs, etc. No genealogy information is published for living persons.

GRIMMER Family Genealogy: the Grimmers of Manheim, by Jo Ann T. Wright. This is an archived site last updated in 2010.

The Descendants of Johann Conrad KILTS, Emigrant to America

Klock Connections : all things Klock

KLOCK: genealogy on the Jefferson Co NYGenWeb spotted years ago by Benny Klock

Michael J. Loucks' LOUCKS/LAUX Genealogy Page: an archived site last updated in 2005, but has current 2014 contact information

Steve MABIE's Mabie/Maybee/Mabee/Mabey Family Records: a compilation of church and civil records relating to persons named MABIE (and all the other variations in spelling)

Nellis Family Association Genealogical Website

Pioneers of Jefferson County: this is technically not a personal home page but is Nan Dixon's effort to post detailed information from researchers in Jefferson County about her county's pioneers. ***Many*** of the individuals listed came from Herkimer and Montgomery Counties ca. 1840 or before. Work your way back to your Herk/Mont roots by meeting researchers on the Jefferson County GenWeb site. This list is highly recommended to bookmark by your Coordinator.

Preachers and the Pirate - Ken Warkentin's Warkentin and Draper family History. Descendants of Boston and Tryphena Draper who settled in German Flatts between 1810 and 1820.


The RUBINS Family Web: hosted by researcher Jim Rubins

The SEEBER Genealogy Page: hosted by Marcia Seeber Alary, this page is a must if your roots go far back in the Mohawk Valley. An archived site last updated in 2000.

Snell-Zimmerman-Timmerman Extended Family: this site has an index of 25,000 names of persons descended from Palatine immigrants to the Mohawk Valley, as well as much other information about their respective families. The data is taken from books published by the SZT Reunion. All names have been merged into one pedigree.

Fred Griffin's TERPENING genealogy page

From Jerry Walrath
The WALRATH FAMILY ASSOCIATION Newsletters are finally online. All issues from #1-81 are included. Each page is an image file in .jpg format. To connect to the Newsletter Menu:   Rootsweb Free Pages - Walrath Family Newsletter

"I have a link for WALRATH, WALLRATH, WALRAD, WALLRAD (and other spellings) Birth Records from the early Mohawk Valley Church Records. This is from a list prepared by one of the historians at the Montgomery Dept. of History and Archives in Fonda. It was compiled for Mrs. Verne A. Flint in 1971. It covers both the Lutheran and Reformed Churches of Stone Arabia, Reformed of Herkimer, Reformed of German Flats, Reformed of St. Johnsville, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Reformed Church of Fort Plain, Reformed Church of Mapleton, and Dutch Reformed of Caughnawaga (Fonda). I hope to add links for marriages and other records as well. The Walraths married into many other families, and were sponsored by many other families. Just a caveat - there may be errors of transcription. The records are available in the Fonda Archives for research. Jerry Walrath"

WOHLEBEN Family Online Reunion : last updated in 2001.

Robert Youker's YOUKER Family Web: last updated in 2004

Don't see your homepage? All sites reported "File Not Found" and dead email addresses are deleted a.s.a.p upon notice. We can't hire a detective to track you down. If you'd like to be re-listed on this page, resubmit your web address to the site coordinators, as well as a one-sentence description of the Herkimer County-related contents. We'll review your site for sufficient county content and technical user-friendliness.

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Last Updated: 2/28/15
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