MARRIAGE NOTICES FROM NEWSPAPERSPART 3Herkimer and Montgomery Counties, N.Y.Published marriage notices - so important for finding elusive maiden names and forgotten spouses, and for DAR application documentation! Do you have one tucked into a scrapbook? Do you have a pre-1930 newspaper that you could type up the maritals from, even if they're not your own relatives? If so, please email them in to the site coordinators.
At Starkville, Feb. 28, 1872, in the house of the bride's father, by Rev. J. N. Brown, Henry Cronkhite, to Mary G. Narcross, all of Starkville, N.Y.
WOOED IN DOLGEVILLE, N.Y., Culmination of Pretty Romance of Two Popular Young People. Last evening the wedding of Miss Jessie Volz to Henry A. [Alfred] Dolge at the home of the groom's parents in Dolgeville, Cal., brought to a happy ending a romance singular in its circumstances. The young people met at one end of the continent in a town named Dolgeville, N. Y., and seven years later were married at the other end in the new born California town of the same name. The romance started in Dolgeville, N. Y., when the two were in that place attending school. The wedding was a quiet one, only the relatives and near friends of the bride and groom being present. Rev. Bazata of Alhambra officiated. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Dolge left for the north, where they will enjoy a brief wedding trip and upon returning will make their home in Dolgeville. The groom is employed in the shoe department of Alfred Dolge Manufacturing company.
Dolgeville, March 20- Loren Cline Cross and Miss Nellie Mae Nellis were married Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cline on Lamberson street. The Rev. C. A. Moulton of the Universalist Church officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Cline were the attending couple. The bride was attired in a traveling suite (sic) of blue. After the ceremony the couple departed for a honeymoon trip to New York City, on their return from which they expect to take up their residence in this village. The groom is the son of former Supervisor and Mrs. John Cross of the town of Oppenheim, who are now residents of Fort Plain. The bride is the daughter of Ira J. Nellis of Fort Plain. Both are well known local musicians. They have the best wishes of their many friends for happiness and prosperity.
Senior Mitchell and Miss Jennie House of this village are to be united in marriage at Ilion this morning. Both the young people are well known and will have the bests wishes of many friends. Miss Rita Failing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Failing, was married on Wednesday evening to Mr. Lewis Shineman, of Little Falls. The bride is a pretty young lady, who has always resided in Fort Plain, with hosts of warm friends here, who have known her all her life, and who earnestly hope for her happiness. Every body congratulates the groom upon his good fortune in securing for his wife one of Fort Plain's brightest young ladies. Mr. Shineman is a son of Mr. Augustus Shineman, of this village.- Register. Miss Minnie E. Nellis and Peter Shell, both of this town, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman O. Nellis, last evening. Rev. H. M. Cox, of the Reformed church, tied the knot. We wish the contracting parties a long life and a happy one. Cards have been received in this village announcing the approaching marriage of George H. Stratton and Miss Libbie E. Schuyler, both of Newport, N.Y. The marriage ceremony will take place at the First Baptist church in Newport, Tuesday, Dec. 31st., at 3:30 p.m. The bride-elect is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Schuyler, formerly of this village. Congratulations will be extended by Herkimer friends. Newport. Cards are out for the wedding of Prof. George H. Stratton and Miss Libbie E. Schuyler, both of this place, at the Baptist church at 3:30 P.M., on the 31st. We are informed that Prof. George H. Stratton has been offered a very lucrative position as superintendent of a large school on Long Island, which, owing to his engagement at Poland, he is unable to accept. The offer is particularly flattering as it came entirely unsought. {NOTE: Elizabeth Schuyler Stratton (1866-1916) rests in Grace Cemetery, Castile NY. Mr. Stratton (1859-1950) is also buried there, with his second wife Louise.] MARRIED. In Little Falls, Dec. 18, 1889, by Rev. J. B. Hammond, Thomas Scannell and Miss Emma Seger, both of this village. In Little Falls, at the home of the bride, Dec. 21, 1889, by Rev. A. A. Holzwarth, Emanuel Schultz and Miss Lena Werner, both of Little Falls. In Little Falls, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. C. H. Richardson, Dec. 20, 1889, Christ Glowatzki and Miss Anne J. Seawright, both of Little Falls. At the Lutheran parsonage, in Manheim, by Rev. J.W. Young, Mr. Lansing D. Snell to Miss Libbie Thresher, both of Dolgeville. At the home of the bride's parents, in Inghams Mills, by Rev. J. W. Young, Mr. Hiram E. Dubois of Dolgeville, to Miss Hattie B. Smith, of Inghams Mills. In Ilion, Dec. 18, 1899, William Way, of West Frankfort, and Miss May Sterling, of Ilion.
Little Falls, March 23-
Ellis Tubbs of Little Falls and Miss Rodena Ellen Oldfield of Herkimer were married Thursday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage in this village by Rev. T. E. Jepson. Thomas B. Oldfield and Miss Eunice Evans, both of Herkimer, were the attending couple. Benjamin A. Frankel, formerly chief clerk to the treasurer of the Utica & Mohawk Valley Railway offices and now in the employ of the Sterns Advertising Co., was united in marriage Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Gordon Blum of Syracuse. The ceremony was performed at the home of Rev. Dr. Grosman in New York City. Mr. Frankel is the son-in-law of Henry Delmel of this village and has many friends here. The marriage was a complete surprise even to the nearest relatives.
Miss Blanche Williams entertained a party of friends at her home on First avenue Friday evening, the affair being a linen shower in honor of Miss Anna E. Johnson, whose marriage to Percy M. Archer took place yesterday.
Miss Dora May Hagadorn, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hagadorn was united in marriage September 5th to Clyde M. Gay of Millers Mills at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Wm. Onderdonk. The attending couple were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Gay, a brother of the groom. After, a wedding supper was enjoyed. They departed on a western trip amid the cheers and best wishes of a host of friends.
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Clara Belle Sherman of Ilion to John Edwin Lonis of Frankfort. The ceremony was performed at New Hartford, December 31, 1909, by Rev. H. B. Leary of that village. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sherman and has a large circle of friends who extend their congratulations and good wishes to herself and husband in their wedded life.
At Mohawk Saturday evening William McGraw of Ilion and Dora Spraker of Cherry Valley were united in marriage by the Rev. Thomas Beeson. The attending couple were Miss Helen McGraw, sister of the groom, and James Sager of Amsterdam. From The Ilion News, Thursday, January 6, 1910, page 9 Mrs. George Carney gave a very enjoyable shower Friday evening at her home on West Hill in honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Mary Donlin to Louis E. Kenfield. Miss Edna G. Malloy entertained Monday evening of last week in honor of Miss Mary E. Donlin, whose marriage to Louis E. Kenfield takes place in the near future. From the Utica Herald-Dispatch, August 14, 1902. MARRIAGE OF POPULAR Andrews-Darling Nuptials Celebrated at Salisbury Center Dolgeville, Aug. 14.- In the First Methodist Church in Salisbury Center yesterday the marriage of Miss Bertha Darling of this village to the Rev. Wesley Andrews of Salisbury Center was solemnized. The ceremony was performed at high noon by the Rev. N. A. Darling, a brother of the bride. The Rev. J. Corbin of Cold Brook acted as best man, while Miss G. Anna Halt(?) of Saratoga Springs was bridesmaid. Messers. Harvey Darling and Carol Spoar acted as ushers. The church was very prettily decorated with ferns and flowers. The bride's dress was a delicate blue silk with trimmings of white silk applique. She carried a large bouquet of floes and wore a har of silk mull trimmed with flowers. The bridesmaid wore a dress of white silk trimmed with flowers. Both Mr. and Mrs. Andrew are popular and estimable young people. Mrs. Andrews during the past winter has been a resident of this city and acted as instructress of physical culture and elocution class. Mr. Andrews is the pastor of the First Methodist Church of Salisbury Center, and is very well known in Dolgeville. Many friends will extend hearty congratulations for a happy wedded life. At the ceremony about 200 were present, the day being made one of jollification in Salisbury, as all the stores and factories were closed. Those present from this village were the Rev. W. H. Baker and family, James Doxstader and family, Delos West and family, Addison Tanner and family and Messrs. Luther and Harvey Darling. Ilion. Miss Winnie Folts of this village and Earl Brice of North Ilion were quietly married at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Douglas yesterday. The Rev. H. W. Bennett performed the ceremony. They were unattended and only the immediate families were present. The bride is one of Ilion's charming and accomplished young ladies and enjoys a large acquaintance. The groom is a skilled mechanic employed at the Atlas Gun Works at North Ilion, where he holds a responsible position. After a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Brice will reside in North Ilion. They have the best wishes of the whole community for their future happiness. From the Utica Herald-Dispatch, September 18, 1912. Glen Roberts of Prospect and Miss Jennie Rice of this village were united in marriage this forenoon at 11:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Rice, in Pleasant avenue. The ceremony at which there were no attendants, was performed by the Rev. William C. Prout in the presence of assembled relatives of the contracting parties. Following the ceremony a repast was served and the newly weds left for a honeymoon trip. Upon their return to Herkimer they will reside for a time with the bride's parents and then occupy a newly erected house in Margaret street. Both bride and groom have many friends who will extend best wishes. From the Utica Daily Press, March 14, 1918. Little Falls, March 13.- Miss Gladys Block, daughter of Emil Block of this city, was united in marriage Monday to William Lester Lake of Ilion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Syft(?) of Ilion. Following a short honeymoon the young couple will make their home in Ilion, where the groom holds a substantial position at the Remington Arms plant. Miss Block is well known in this city and her many friends extend best wishes. From the Utica Herald Dispatch, August 28, 1919. Glen Mower and Miss Eva M. Cool both of Herkimer town wre married yesterday afternoon at the parsonage of the Universalist Church, the Rev. Frank O. Hokerk officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan G. Jones were attendants. Monday afternoon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Stowitts on Guy Park avenue, Amsterdam, took place the marriage of David K. Dievendorf of Currytown and Miss Anne Marie Francis of Otego. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father, the Rev. Edward Francis of Otego, formerly of Rural Grove. Only the members of the immediate families witnessed the ceremony and on account of the health of the groom, there as no large wedding as would have been the case otherwise. The groom is one of the best known and most deservedly popular young men of the county. He is a son of the late Jacob Dievendorf of Currytown and his great grandfather was one of the first settlers of this section and at the battle of Currytown in the Revolution was scalped by the Indians and left for dead. He was found by a rescuing party and recovered and lived to a ripe old age. The family is one of the most prominent and prosperous in this section. Mr. Dievendorf resides on the old homestead in Currytown and is very popular in the social life of the county. He is a member of the Hamilton Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of this village, the Fort Rensselaer Club and is a director of the Fonda National Bank and a director of the Montgomery County Agricultural Society. His bride is a daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Edward Francis of Otego, who were formerly residents of Rural Grove, where the Rev. Francis preached in the Christian church. She is a graduate of the Oneonta Normal College and is a young lady of culture and pleasing personality. Mr. and Mrs. Diefendorf will reside at Currytown after Mr. Diefendorf has recovered from a long illness, from which he has been recovering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Voorhees at Round Barn Farm, near Amsterdam. From the Utica Herald Dispatch, October 4, 1915. News has been received here of the marriage of Roy D. Firman, formerly of this village, which occurred at Fort Worth, Tex., September 13//18(?) The Rev. Bartow Rammage of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, performed the ceremony. The bride was Miss Anna Mary Hayer of Dallas, Tex. Mr. Firman is a popular Mohawk lad and a graduate of the local schools. While here he had considerable experience in the Remington Typewriter Works at Ilion and left here to accept a position in the Paris office of the Ellis Adding Machine Company of Newark, N. J. When the war broke out Mr. Firman left at once for America. After a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis P. Firman, of Center street, he went to Dallas, Tex., as representative of the Ellis company. There he met Miss Hayer, who was employed as head bookkeeper for a concern having offices in the same building with the Ellis office. Mr. and Mrs. Firman have taken a brief wedding trip and will reside in Dallas. A host of Mohawk friends will extend congratulations. From the Utica Herald Dispatch, November 12, 1903. PRETTY WEDDING Ceremony Uniting Miss Gertrude Flan- Canajoharie, Nov. 12.- The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Flanders was the scene of a delightful gathering last evening, when at 8 o'clock in the presence of a large number of assembled relatives and friends their elder daughter, Gertrude, was wed from the altar of matrimony by Emmett Spencer of Flat Creek. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ephraim W. Florence of Currytown, and the home had been prettily decorated for the occasion. The bride was attended by Miss Bertha Showerman of Palatine, and the groom by Frank Fero of Mapletown. The wedding marches were played by Miss Bertha Van Wie and Miss Moyer. A sumptuous repast followed a season(?) of hearty congratulation and at midnight Mr. and Mrs. Spencer left for a week's honeymoon on Long Island. upon their return they will reside at Flat Creek. The wedding gifts were numerous and handsome and included money, silverware, glassware, furniture, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer are both well known and highly respected young people, and the best wishes of a host of friends accompany them for a long, happy and prosperous life. From the Utica Semi-Weekly Herald, October 29, 1897. This evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Melick in Nelliston, was celebrated the marriage of their daughter, Ella R., to Arthur J. Mowrey, both of that village. Shortly after 8 o'clock the bridal party entered the west parlor, as follows: Ushers, Harry D. Mack and Daniel Smith; bride leaning on the arm of her father. In the parlor they were met by the groom and officiating clergyman, Rev. L. L. Backus, pastor of the Nelliston Methodist church, and the bridesmaids, Misses Mabel Allen and Ena Nichols, and best men, Elmer Mowrey and Ezra Nellis. The ceremony was performed under an arch of ever green trimmed with flowers and ribbon, and in the presence of about 30 guests. The bride was prettily gowned in white henrietta, trimmed with muslin de soie and white ribbon. It was a ring wedding. Immediately after the ceremony congratulations were bestowed upon the newly married couple, after which a ----ation was served. The bride is an estimable young lady who enjoys the friendship of a large circle of friends. Mr. Mowrey is known throughout the Mohawk valley as a musician of ability, having composed many beautiful pieces of music, among which is the "Fort Plain March." From The Evening Journal, July 6, 1833 (Albany NY). At Hagaman's Mills, Montgomery co., N. Y., on Tuesday, the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Jukes, Mr. MARTIN HARRINGTON to Miss CATHERINE HAGAMAN. From the Jefferson County Journal, May 30, 1883 (Adams NY). HUDSON-TANNER- In Salisbury, at the home of the bride's parents, May 23, by Rev. H. Ernst, Mr. W. L. Hudson, of Ellisburgh, and Miss Mary E. Tanner, of Salisbury, N. Y. From the Utica Weekly Herald, May 25, 1869. On the 10th inst., by the Rev. B. F. Baker, at the residence of the bride's brother in East Schuyler, Mr. Wm. J. BROWN to Miss CARRIE E. LAMPHERE, both of Salisbury, N. Y. At Little Falls, N. Y., May 19, 1869, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. M. Gaylord Bullock, Mr. JOHN J. HOPPER, of Marcellus and Miss EMMA TAYLOR. From the Utica Weekly Herald, March 1, 1870. At the home of the bride, in Mohawk, February 23/28?, 1870, by Rev. O. C. Wightman, Mr. ALBERT C. DEVENDORF, to Miss STANCIA WHEELER. At Gravesville, N. Y., February 24, by Rev. V. D. Waters, Mr. PERRY BARHITE, of Gray to Miss EMMA BILLS, daughter of H. Bills, Gravesville. February 22/23?, by the Rev. L. B. Barker, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. WM. MARTIN SPOOR, of German Flats, N. Y., to Miss SUSIE H. WARD, of Warren, N.Y. From the Utica Weekly Herald, March 8, 1870. At the home of the bride's parents, March 2d, 1870, by Rev. J. S. George, Mr. STEPHEN GUNSTON, of Cedar Lake, to Miss IDA H. L. ORENDORF, of Cassville, N. Y.
In Frankfort, June 12, by Rev. A. Lindsay, Mr. WILLIAM H. TRUE, of Ilion, to Miss EMMA S. HOLDRIDGE, of Frankfort. At the Methodist Episcopal church, in Ilion, N. Y., June 15, 1870, by Rev. M. S. Hard, Mr. HARRY A. TUTTLE, of Oswego, N.Y., to Miss AMANDA CARPENTER, of Ilion, N. Y. From the Utica Weekly Herald, January 18, 1870. In Columbia, Jan 4th by Rev. C. H. Jackson, Mr. R. R. JONES, of Paris Hill, to Miss HATTIE HUBBARD, of Columbia. At the M. E. Parsonage, at Cedar Lake, Jan. 5th, 1870, by Rev. T. H. McClenthen, Mr. WM. F. BACK, of Frankfort Hill, to Miss CORNELIA E. GRAY, of the same town. At the residence of the bride's father, January 5, 1870, by Rev. J. V. Ferguson, VILLEROY B. MOON and MATTIE E. WARD, both of Russia, N. Y. At the residence of the bride's father, January 6th, by Rev. M. V. D. Waters, Mr. MILO MOORE, of Russia, and Miss MARY C. BUCK, of Cold Brook. In Clayville, N. Y., January 13th, 1870, at the house of the bride's father, by Rev. J. S. George, Mr. WM. F. WHEELER to Miss MARY C. SAWYER, all of Clayville, N. Y. From the Winfield Star, July 15, 1897. Married, by Rev. E. H. Burt, July 14, Arthur D. Prosser and Rubie A. Ashley, both of East Winfield. An out-of-town notice found in The Otsego Republican, December 13, 1851, Vol. XXIII, No. 33, page 3, a Cooperstown, Otsego County NY newspaper. MARRIAGES.- In this village, Dec. 3d, by Rev. J. A. Aspinwall, Mr. GEORGE W. LIVINGSTON and Miss CAROLINE MOUNT, both of Minden, Mont. co. (page 3) An out-of-town notice found in The Otsego Republican, October 28, 1833, Vol. V, No. 23, page 3, a Cooperstown, Otsego County NY newspaper. MARRIED- On the 15th instant, by Rev. Daniel Nash, Mr. Aurelius Tunnicliff, of Warren, Her. co., to Miss Nancy Ann Tunnicliff, of Columbia. George C. M. Munford and Lizzie Cook's marriage notice was contributed by Barb Gese. New York Times Marriage Notice MUNFORD--COOK--At Palatine Bridge, N. Y., on Wednesday, Oct. 10, by Rev. Samuel SEABURY, D. D., GEORGE C. M. MUNFORD, of New-York, to Miss LIZZIE, youngest daughter of B. COOK, Esq., of the former place. James H. Ledlie and Kate Hees' marriage notice was contributed by Barb Gese. New York Times Marriage Notice LEDLIE - HEES. -- At the residence of the bride's father, on Thursday, Dec. 16, by the Rev. B. F. Romaine, Mr. James H. LEDLIE, of Utica, to Miss Kate, only daughter of A. HEES, Esq., of Palatine Bridge, N. Y. Max Keller & Mary A. Richards' marriage notice contributed by assistant site coordinator Lisa Slaski! Evening Times Matrimonial Max Keller and Mary A. Richards, both of Fulton Chain, were married by Judge Bellinger of this village last Wednesday. Lovers from far and near come to the judge to unite them in matrimony. This notice of the Lane/Voorhees nuptials was graciously contributed by Karen Matott! Karen has also contributed a collection of related Voorhees and Lane family obits. A PLEASANT WEDDING Maritals from the 5 Jan 1875 Little Falls Evening Times newspaper, transcribed by Asst. Coordinator Lisa Slaski! Married At the M.E. Parsonage by Rev. L. R. Northup, Jan. 1, 1875, Marvin STAFFORD and Miss Matilda FISH both of Stratford. At the Baptist Parsonage in this village, on the 24th [ ], by Rev. A. LeRoy, Mr. Charles CLARKE of Frankfort, and Miss Jennie GRAY of Ilion. On Friday, Jan. 1st, 1875, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W. Condict, Mr. Geo. L. KIRCH to Miss Susan W. BIGHAM, both of this place. At St. Johnsville, Dec, 24th, by Rev. W. F. Markham, Mr. H. H. CHRISTIE, of Herkimer, and Miss Delia CHURCHILL, of St. Johnsville, N.Y. In Whitestown, Dec. 23d, 1874, by Rev. M. C. Brown, Mr. W. R. SLAUGHTER and Miss Mary A. MANUEL, of Litchfield. At the home of the bride's mother, at Cold Brook, Dec. 30th, 1874, by Rev. P. Wright, Mr. Alford DEACKLEY, of Eatonville, N.Y. to Miss Mary L. NEWBERRY, of Cold Brook, N.Y. On Thursday, Dec. 24, 1874, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. R. M. Stanbrough, Mr. Stephen SPOOR of Salisbury, and Miss Mary E. GUILE, of Ingham's Mills, N.Y. At Stacy's Hotel, Newport, Herkimer county N.Y., January 1st, 1875, by Rev. Joseph Baird, Mr. Edgar H. VAN SLYKE and Miss Jessie RANKINS, both of German Flatts. Maritals from the 12 Jan 1875 Little Falls Evening Times newspaper, transcribed by Asst. Coordinator Lisa Slaski! Married In Norway, N.Y., Dec 30th, by Rev. S. D. Ross, Mr. Martin G. SMITH to Miss Phebe A. PULLMAN. Miss Stella MULVANY, the youngest daughter of James Malvany, of Rock Falls, and Frederick WARD, of Mohawk, N.Y., were united in the holy bonds of wedlock on Friday, Dec. 18th, by the Rev. J. S. Breckinridge, of Middletown. At East Frankfort, Dec. 30th, 1874, by Rev. B. A. Sherwood, Mr. Olcott HARWICK, of Columbia, and Miss Mary WHITFORD, of South Florence, N.Y. By the same at the same place, Dec 21st, 1874, Mr. Martin OSTRANDER, of Ilion, and Miss Dorathy SPOHN, of Columbia, N.Y. In Watertown, December 25, 1874, by the Rev. Dr. Porter, Gustavus VERDIER, of Ilion, and Jennie PATTERSON, of Adams. In Plainfield, Dec. 22d, by Rev. J. Evans, Mr. Wallace K. TRUK, of Ilion, and Miss Estalla R. GORTON, of Plainfield. At the Methodist Episcopal parsonage of St. Johnsville, Dec. 30th, 1874, by Rev. J. W. Stimson, Mr. James H. CLINK, and Miss Ida M. BOLSTER, both of Oppenheim. At the bride's home, Dec. 24, 1875, by Rev. F. K. Pierce, Mr. Jacob WIEGAND and Miss Mary CALDWELL, all of Schuyler. On the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride, in Salisbury Center, by Rev. H. R. Northrup, Ira C. MUNGER and Miss Alice J. BARNES, daughter of L. L. Barnes, Esq. Maritals from the 19 Jan 1875 Little Falls Evening Times newspaper, transcribed by Asst. Coordinator Lisa Slaski! Married In Little Falls, Jan 12, 1875, by the Rev. [ ] LeRoy, Abram [CASADA?], of German Flatts, to Miss Emma CRIM, of Little Lakes, N.Y. At Starkville, December 30th, 1874, by Rev. F. A. O'FARRELL, Mr. J. N. DENNAN, of Dann, Pa., and Miss Estella BORST, of Starkville. At East Frankfort, December 30, 1874, by Rev. B. A. Sherwood,Mr. Olcot HARWICK of Columbia and Miss Mary WHITFORD, of South Florence. At the M. E. Parsonage, Salisbury Center, by Rev. H. R. Northup, Jan, 1875, Marvin STAFFORD and Miss Matilda FISH, both of Stratford. At the home of the bride's mother, at Cold Brook, Dec. 30th, 1874, by Rev. P. Wright, Mr. Alford DEACKLEY, of Eatonville, N.Y. to Miss Mary L. NEWBERRY, of Cold Brook, N.Y. January 6, 1875, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. G. Bellinger, of Herkimer, by Rev. Geo. W. Brown, Mr. John WOOD, of Baltimore, Md. and Miss Hattie A. GRAHAM of Canajoharie. In Little Falls, Dec 24th, 1874, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Walter Condict, Mr. Stephen BROWN, of Albany, and Miss Anna GARDNER. At East Frankfort, Jan. 6th, 1875, by Rev. B. A. Sherwood, Mr. William JONES of Cedarville, and Miss Jessie ACKLER, of Columbia. By the same of the same place, Jan. 10th, 1875, Mr. John A. ACKLER and Miss Belle MANNING, both of Columbia, N.Y. In Norway, N.Y., Jan. 12 by Rev. S. D. R[oss?], Mr. Earle S. SMITH to Miss Rozeltha DELONG. January 7th, 1873, in the town of Milford, Jefferson Co., Wis., at the residence of W. S. Raynor Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Carpenter, [Capt.?] E. D. MASTARS, of Jefferson, Wis., and Miss Hattie J. BENNET, of Clyde, Wayne county, N.Y. In Danube, on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1875, at the residence of the mother of the bride by Rev. R. M. Stanbrough, Mr. Hiram BIDLEMAN, of Manheim, N.Y., and Miss Ida S. VAN ALLEN, of Danube, N.Y. Maritals from the Oct. 7, 1903 Herkimer Democrat newspaper, found by Asst. Coordinator Lisa Slaski!
Herkimer Democrat MATRIMONIAL At 10:00 o'clock Monday morning, Miss Welthea La Hines [or La Hiner?] of this village and Frank Wells of Eagle Bay were married at the home of Attorney and Mrs. Chas. Snyder on Church street, by Rev. E. V. Stevens, pastor of the Universalist church. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate relatives. A wedding breakfast was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Wells left for Eagle Bay on the 12:50 train on the M. and M. road where they will make their future home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wells have been in the employ of Mr. Snyder and they will now reside on his estate at Eagle Bay, of which Mr. Wells is overseer. Miss Mary Rock daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rock of this village and Nicholas Barone were married at St. Francis De Sales church Saturday evening by Rev. James H. Halpin. They were attended by Liberte Fortuna and Elizabeth F. Stronga. They will reside here. Miss Lillian E. Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Taylor of North Main street, and Walter O. Bunnell were married at the home of the bride at 8 o'clock this morning. It was a quiet home wedding only the immediate families being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Dempster Chase. Miss Marguerite, the bride's sister, acted as ring bearer. The bride was becomingly attired. A wedding breakfast was served and after congratulation the happy couple left for a brief honeymoon in the west. It is expected that they will make their future home on Folts street in this village. An out-of-state marriage of a former Herkimer resident, spotted by Asst. Coordinator Lisa Slaski!
Herkimer Democrat WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Thursday announcement was received of the wedding of Miss Georgia May Wheeler and Mr. Vern D. Sutton of Battlecreek, Mich. which will occur May 12th at the new home of the groom at No. 33 Broad St. This will be of interest to Herkimer people as this was Miss Wheeler's childhood home. She was one of Herkimer's estimable young women, is well educated and accomplished and has a host of friends who will extend congratulations. Marriage notices, all from the Herkimer Democrat, number of January 1, 1890, spotted by Asst. Coordinator Lisa Slaski! Herkimer Democrat, 1 Jan 1890 Married Snell - Thresher -- At the Lutheran parsonate, in Manheim, by Rev. J. W. Young, Mr. Lansing D. Snell and Miss Libbie Thresher, both of Dolgeville. Dubois - Smith -- at the home of the bride's parents, at Ingham's Mills, by Rev. J. W. Young, Mr. Hiram E. Dubois, of Dolgeville, and Miss Hattie B. Smith, of Ingham's Mills. Herkimer, Town of At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman O. Nellis, in Small's Bush, town of Herkimer, on the evening of December 19, 1889, occurred the marriage of Minnie E. Nellis, youngest daughter of Norman O. Nellis, to Peter E. Schell. Both the contracting parties are grandchildren of some of the oldest inhabitants of that place. At an early hour the larger number of the invited guests began to arrive, and at 8:30 o'clock, in the presence of relatives and friends, the words were pronounced by Rev. H. M. Cox, of Herkimer, which made Minnie E. Nellis the wife of Peter E. Schell. Immediately after congratulations a bountiful repast was served, after which dancing was indulged in until the early hours in the morning. At 12 o'clock, amid a shower of rice, the bride and groom were driven to Herkimer, where they took the 2:30 A.M. train for cities in the western part of the state. Below are some of the presents the bride and groom received. Family bible, Mr. and Mrs. Norman O. Nellis; two dollars, Mrs. Abram Schell; ten dollars in gold, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Eysaman; lamp, David Nellis; gold lined cake basket, Abram Schell; plush rocker, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schell; lamp, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. B. Austin; five dollar check, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lee; toilet set, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Eysaman; picture throw, Miss Maud Eysaman; cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Rasbach, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Richardson; water set, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eysaman; table linen Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eysaman; silver castor, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Smith and son; Lamp, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook and family; cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Rasbach and daughter; linen towels, Jennie Eysaman; pickle castor, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rasbach and I. P. Rasbach; dozen napkins, Malinda Bucklin; fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Petrie and aunt; silver fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warren and Emma Nellis; ink stand, Grace Bailey; book entitled "Bible Gallery," Charles Avery; toilet case and shaving set, E. J. Coffin and wife; pickle castor, Roscoe Christman; silver card receiver, Jacob Snyder; shaving set, Burton Schell; set silver knives and sugar spoon, John Connell and family; clock, John Horan; tea pot, James Sweeney and family; set silver tea spoons, Julius Stahl; counterpane, Matthew Small and wife; counterpane, Horatio Rasbach and wife; cream set, Miss Carrie Wilson; pair vases, Nettie Getman; water set, George A. and Ina C. Rasbach; pair napkin rings, Sylvester Seymour and sister; china tea set, 56 pieces, Hannah Burns and sister; lamp, Adam Casler and wife, Melvin Bonsted; counterpane, O. E. Eysaman and wife; counterpane, Mrs. Daniel Nellis; water set, Merhibel Small; pair napkin rings, Ira and Edward Barse; photograph album, Mattie Small; cheese dish, Henry Rasbach and wife; rose jar, Henry W. Eysaman and wife; water set, Julia Tyler; linen towels, John A. Rasbach and daughter; handkerchief box, Mrs. May E. Smith; wine set, Cora and Margaret Petrie; lamp, James Levee and wife; lace spread and shams; Alice Sprague; lace shams, Grace Smith; easel, Will Klock; five dollars, Nancy Stevens; rope stand, Frank Heyer and Mary Fisher; five dollars, Peter Hilts. Newport In Newport, Tuesday, at half-past three o'clock, at the Baptist Church, occurred the marriage of Miss Libbie E. Schuyler and Geo. H. Stratton. The ceremony was beautiful, and was witnessed by a very large number of friends. Miss Schuyler is preceptress in the Union School at Newport, and is the only child of Windsor D. Schuyler. Their home was formerly in this village [Herkimer], where the family have a host of warm friends. Mr. Stratton is a young man of culture, and we bespeak for the newly wed a very happy and prosperous life. The Editors of the DEMOCRAT extend their heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Married Cramer - Lee -- At Little Falls, December 25, 1889, by Rev. L. J. Dean, Louis H. Cramer, of Herkimer, and Miss Ada Lee, of Little Falls. Scanell - Sager -- In Little Falls, December 18, 1889, by Rev. J. B. Hammond, Thomas Scannell and Miss Emma Sager, both of Little Falls. Schultz - Werner -- In Little Falls, at the home of the bride, December 21, 1889, by Rev. A. A. Holzwarth, Emmanuel Schultz and Miss Lena Werner, both of Little Falls. Glowatzki - Seawright -- At the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. C. S. Richardson, in Little Falls, December 20, 1889, Christ Glowatzki and Miss Anne J. Seawright, both of Little Falls. Way - Sterling -- in Ilion, December 18, 1889, William Way, of West Frankfort, and Miss May Sterling, of Ilion. Marriage notices, all from the Herkimer Democrat, Wednesday, March 5, 1890. Contributor Lisa Slaski notes - "I did this research for fun, as these families are not connected to my own." Moore-Herrick At the home of the bride's parents in East Frankfort, February 20, 1890, by Rev. B. A. Sherwood, Mr. Edward S. Moore and Miss Amy M. Herrick, both of East Frankfort. Notes: At the M. E. parsonage, in Richfield Springs, Otseo [sic] county, N.Y., February 20, 1890, by W. R. Helms, Mr. Marcene Dingham, of Hartwick, and Miss Carrie H. Walker, of Warren. Notes: At Ilion, Thursday evening, February 26, 1890, by Rev. D. F. Pierce, Fred H. Bennett and Miss Sylvia Palmer. Notes: At Little Falls, February 26, 1890, by Rev. L. J. Dean, George E. Moyer and Mrs. Josie Halling, all of Little Falls. Notes: |
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