The Charter of the Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Warren, New York

NOTE: The Charter of the Second Reformed Protestant Church at Warren contains surnames of early residents, some of whom have appeared on our queries boards. Our thanks to Richard Kaynor and Marcie Ward Richie.

(First Page)

Charter of Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Warren in the County of Herkimer, State of New York

We whose Names are hereunto set, and seals affixed, being the Minister, Elders, Deacons and Trustees of the Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the Town of Warren County of Herkimer and State of New York, as agreeab (sic) to the Statute in such case made and provided, certify that our said church shall be constituted a body Corporate, and shall be known and Distinguished by the Name and Title of the Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in the Town of Warren and by that Name and Title We and our Sucsessors (sic) in Office Shall have perpetual Succession Sue and be Sued, Defend and be Defended in all maters (sic) relating to our said Church, and to take and hold an real Estate necessary for a site for our said Meeting House and for the conveyance of the Pews to purchasers belonging to our said Church

Warren April 6th 1829
Henry Stam
Jacob Wm Hangen
Nicholas Shoemaker
Peter Bell
Peter P. Harter
Jacob Crim Jun.
George Yule
George Fetterly

Herkimer County Clerks Office
Recorded December 2, 1829
Book A. Pages 114-115
A. Beckwith
Fees 6/

The above is a true coppy of the Charts of the above Church Recorded now in this
Record. August 25th 1835 by me
David Devoe M.V.D.

(Second Page)


Names of the Members of the Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Warren Herkimer County

Jacob Crim Jun.
George Yule
Margaret Kayner wife of Jacob
Peter Bell (in another handwriting) Dismissed to Black River
Hannah Harter wife of Peter Bell (in another handwriting) ditto under Dismissed to Black River
Gertrude. Daughter of Adam Bell
Peter Harter (in another handwriting) At Columbia
Nicholas Shoemaker (in another handwriting) Dead
George Fetterly (in another handwriting) Dismissed
Mrs. Fetterly wife of Georg- (in another handwriting) Dismissed
Mary Harter
Jacob A Crim
[D]inah (this name squeezed in between Jacob A. Crim and Eve Garner)
Eve Garner wife of Jacob A Crim
Martin Fosbury
Cathriene Harter wife of Martin Fosbury
Mrs Yule wife of George Yule
Henry Keyner
Adam Crim
Mrs Crim wife of Adam
Katharien wife of Jacob Crim
Frederic Hoyer
Eve Hoyer
Nicholas Yule
Mrs Yule wife of Nicholas
Charity Harter
Lorence Harter
Kathrien Cowter wife of Lorence Harter
Kathrien Helmer
Elesebeth Maxfield (in another handwriting) dismissed to Mohawk 1871
Elesebeth Brown

Contributed by Richard Kaynor
Transcribed by Marcie Ward Richie, 5 January 1997

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