An 1860 Town Document
Town of Wilmurt
Herkimer County, NY

Donated by Evelyn Salerno

"I had to make it darker than it is so you could more clearly see the writing. The original is on cream paper with a brown (probably a faded) ink. It appears to be a school bond for the town." -Evelyn Salerno

Wilmurt Document

(Click Image to Enlarge - 1MByte)


Know all men of these present that we George W. Dawson Supervisor of the town of Wilmurt in the county of Herkimer, Charles Williamson of the town of Wilmurt in the county of Herkimer and Owen D. Roberts of the town of Remsen in the county of Oneida as his sureties are held and firmly bound unto, Allen Eaton Treasurer of the county of Herkimer in the penalty of two hundred forty dollars/ being double the amount of the public monies apportioned for the support of schools in the town of Wilmurt aforesaid, to be paid to the said Allen N. Eaton treasurer, his successor in office, attorney or assigns; to which payment will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly and severally by these present, sealed with our seals and dated this 25th day of April in the year of our Lord 1860.

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above (?-can’t make out this word) George W. Dawson Supervisor shall faithfully disburse safely keep and justly account for the school moneys apportioned as aforesaid and all other school moneys that may come into his hands from any other source then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.. Signed by George W. Dawson, Charles Williamson and Owen D. Roberts (with some sort of seal pasted next to names-see scan).

(Click Image to Enlarge - 500 Kbytes)

Back of this page states:

Herkimer County, Town of Wilmurt

On this 25 day of April A.D. 1860 before me personally came George W. Dawson (Supervisor) Charles Williamson and Owen D. Roberts to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within bond and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein mentioned. Signed John M. Lane, Justice of the Peace.

Herkimer County. Charles Williamson and Owen D. Roberts being duly sworn say that each of them are freeholders and are each worth two hundred and forty dollars over and above all debts incurred or liabilities incurred by them. Subscribed and sworn before me this 25th day of April, 1860. Signed by Charles Williamson, Owens D. Roberts and John Lane, Justice of the Peace.

If you are interested in obtaining the original document, please contact Evelyn for details.

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Created 8/9/07
Copyright © 2007 Martha S. Magill
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