Brown's Tract Township No. 8
Map with Owners NamesDonated by Larry Miller
Notes from Larry:
The map was done by A. M. Church a guide and taxidermist from Old Forge. He was one of the founders of the Brown’s Track Guides’ Association and a friend of Dwight Grant the boat builder.
Church would have been familiar with the families and owners of property around the lake.
The map is extremely brittle and I would not take a chance in opening it again until it has been conserved. I opened it once and did a scan for the museum. It’s quite rare although Ted Comstock tells me that he has seen a few over the years.
I don’t have an exact date for the map but it would have been just before or after the turn of the century 1890-1910.
It is interesting to note that the portion of the lakeshore within Hamilton county is not mapped in detail, including the hamlet of Inlet, though it does show the location of the larger hotels.
Click within the squares to see a high resolution image of that area.Be careful of where the squares overlap as only one of the two possible maps will load. Careful! These are large images (typically 300Kb)!
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Created 3/13/07
Copyright © 2007 Larry Miller / Lisa Slaski
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