Will of Benjamin Cahoon

Town of Fairfield
Herkimer County, New York

Surrogates Court, Herkimer Co., New York
Volume E, pg. 131

Transcribed and Donated by Valerie McIntosh.

In the name of God, Amen. I Benjamin Cahoon of Fairfield being weak in body but of sound mind and memory blessed by God considering the uncertainty of this mortal life doe make, publish, and declare this my last will and testament here revoking all former wills by me made. I do hereby appoint Reynolds Cahoon and Benjamin Cahoon, Jr. executors of this my last will and testament.

1st I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Polly Cahoon all things which she may want to make her comfortable bothe food and clothing, medicine aid and care during her natural life or while she remains my widow. 2nd second I will and bequeath to my three sons viz. Reynolds Cahoon, Samuel A. Cahoon, Benjamin Cahoon Jr. one hundred dollars each and I further will & bequeth to my said sons Reynolds Cahoon Samuel A. Cahoon & Benjamin Cahoon Jr. and my four daughters viz. Cynthia Fenner, Amy Dexter, Polly Nichols and Ollive Schermerhorn each one equal seventh part of the remainder of my property of whatever name or nature and it is my will further that my executors above named shall retain in their hands the shares of property which is hereby bequeathed to my four daughters for the use of themselves and their heirs and assigns but to let them have the income of the land and deal out the principle to them as they may stand in need of the same but in case my said daughters husbands will give good and sufficient security to my said executors that the said property hereby bequeathed to my said daughters shall not be taken nor wasted away then and in that case my will is that my said executors pay them their proportion of the property as above stated at the time the division is made.

N.B.It is my will that the said executors above named see that my beloved wife is provided for & taken care of as stated above out of my property and collect and pay out all of my honest debts and funeral charges.

In witness whereof I herunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of
June one thousand eight hundred and thirty.

In presents of
Cordelia Cleveland
Serrel Harris                        Benjamin X Cahoon David Ford                                his mark

State of New York
Herkimer County
Surrogates Office Be it remembered that on this 30th day of August in the
year of our Lord eighteen hundred & thirty the written last will and
testament of Benjamin Cahoon deceasedwas duly proved as a will of real and
personal property upon & by the oaths and evidence of Cordelia Cleveland
Serrel Harris and David Ford the subscribing witnesses thereunto and upon
such proof taken it appeared that the same was duly executed by said
deceased that the testator was at the time of executing the same in all
respects competent to devise real estate and not under restraint which will
& proofs and examinations taken provided in the surrogates office.
        In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hands & affixed my seal of office this 30th day of August 1830.                                         A. Loomis                                         Surrogate

Benjamin Cahoon, my 3th great grandfather, and his wife Polly are buried in Middleville Cemetery, Fairfield, Herkimer Co., New York. I would be happy to share information.

Valerie McIntosh

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