LAST WILL AND TESTAMENTBridget WhalenFrankfort, NYThe will of Bridget Whalen was contributed by Dan Karvonen. "This is a transcription of the will of my great-great-great-grandmother
Bridget Whalen of Frankfort, NY. She was born in Ireland on June 18, 1831
and died in Frankfort on December 21, 1919. I'm a descendant of Thomas
Whalen, one of the grandchildren named in her will."
LAST WILL AND TESTAMENTI, Bridget Whalen, of the Village of Frankfort, in the County of Herkimer, and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish, and declare this my last WILL AND TESTAMENT, in manner following, that is to say:First; I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. Second; I order and direct that I be given good Christian burial in accordance with the rites of the Catholic Church including a Requiem High Mass, a Month's Mind and an Anniversary Mass. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to the trustees of the St. Agnes's Cemetery Association of Ilion, N. Y., in trust the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as a perpetual fund, the interest on which is to be appropriated towards keeping my lot and the headstones and monuments thereon in St. Agnes's Cemetery in good repair and condition. Fourth; I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Delia Tobin of Frankfort, N. Y., the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) in trust to be expended by her for masses for the repose of my soul and the souls of my family, and this shall be done within 3 years after my death. Fifth. After the foregoing bequests in trust; debts and expenses are paid, all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate real and personal of which I may die seized or possessed, except household goods hereinafter provided for, I give, devise and bequeath in the form of personalty unto my four grandchildren, namely: Ella Whalen, Frank Whalen, Thomas Whalen and Mary Mulrennan to be divided equally among them, share and sharealike. If however any of said grandchildren be under the age of twenty-one years, at the time said property is divided, his or her share together with the interest and accumulations thereon shall be held in trust and safely invested by his or her guardian until such child arrives at the age of twenty-one years. And, further, if any of said grandchildren die before he or she arrives at the age of twenty-one years his or her share, after all debts and funeral expenses of such grandchildren are paid, shall be divided equally among the remaining grandchildren. And, for the purpose hereinbefore specified, I give to my executors hereinafter named full power to sell and convert into money all my real estate, and I direct that said real estate shall be sold as soon after my death as such sale can be made for the reasonable value of said real estate, and my said executors shall in the meantime, collect all rents and profits and add the same to the assets. Sixth. I hereby request that Mary J. Sterling and Jane Tobin of Frankfort, N. Y. be appointed guardians of the persons and property of my two grandchildren, namely, Ella Whalen and Frank Whalen, until each becomes of full age. Seventh. I give, devise and bequeath to Delia Tobin, my niece, of Frankfort, N. Y., all my household furniture, furnishings, pictures and other personal effects to distribute in whatever manner she thinks best. It is my will and I direct however that none of my grandchildren shall be given any of said household furniture, furnishings, pictures and other personal effects. LASTLY, I hereby appoint Patrick C. Bennison and the Rev. Patrick F. Wallace, executors of this, my last WILL and TESTAMENT; hereby revoking all former wills by me made. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name the third day of April, in the year One Thousand nine hundred and twelve. Witnesses to Mark.
WE, whose names are hereto subscribed DO CERTIFY, that on the 3rd day of April, 1912, Bridget Whalen, the testator, subscribed her name to this instrument in our presence and in the presence of each of us, and at the same time, in our presence and hearing, declared the same to be her last Will and Testament and requested us, and each of us to sign our names thereto as witnesses to the execution thereof, which we hereby do in the presence of the testator and of each other, on the said date, and write opposite our names our respective places of residence. Anna R. Bennison, residing at Frankfort, N. Y.
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