1841 Probate Notice of Ebenezer Thayer
Winfield, New YorkContributed by Ron Reid From Surrogate Court Records, Herkimer Co., NY 07578 E.U. Graves, of the city of Albany, being duly sworn, says that he is foreman in the office of the Albany Evening Journal, the paper published by the Printer to the State, and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Albany Evening Journal, once in each week for six weeks successively, commencing on the twelvth day of June last past. Edward U. Graves STATE OF NEW-YORKCITY AND COUNTY OF ALBANY,} ss. The people of the state of New York, by the grace of God free and independent, to all to whom these presents shall come or may concern, and especially to Abigail Chaffee, and William Chaffee, who reside in the town of Lima, in the county of Allen and state of Ohio; to Lois Thayer widow of Ebenezer Thayer, deceased, who resides in the town of Winfield, in the county of Herkimer and state of New York; and to David Thayer, who resides in some part of the state of Ohio but in what particular part is not known, greeting: Whereas Alfred Burgess, one of the executors of the last will and Testament of Ebenezer Thayer, deceased, has this day offered the said will for probate before Lauren Ford, surrogate of the county of Herkimer; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before the said surrogate, at the house of Moses Shaw in the village of Herkimer, in the county of Herkimer, on the 10th day of August, 1841, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to attend, if you see fit, the probate of the said will and show cause, if any you have or know, why the same should not be admitted to probate and proved as a will of real and personal property according to law. Given under the hand and seal of office of our said surro- (L.S.) gate, at Little Falls in said county, on the 26th day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-one. LAUREN FORD, Surrogate Of July 1841 Andrew White Commissioner of Deeds. Fees $4.50 |
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