Appraisal of Estate Mary E. Kenyon

Little Falls, New York

Contributed by Ron Reid

From the Surrogate Court Records, Herkimer Co., NY
Transcribed by Ronald J. Reid, 2003
Appraisal of the estate of Mary E. Kenyon

SCHEDULE A. (Cash, stock, bonds)

        DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY                   PAR VALUE            MARKET VALUE

In Little Falls National Bank,                                                                          662.81
In Little Falls National Bank,                                                                          125.00
In Herkimer County Trust Co.                                                                       1224.83
No Jewelry or household furniture.
(furniture in homestead bequeathed to daughter
Clothing of no value
4 U.S. Government Liberty Bonds,                                                                  400.00
                       Total,                                                                             $2412.64

There were no other bonds stocks, mortgages or notes.

SCHEDULE B. (Real Estate)

       DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY                      Assessed Value         Market Value           

Dwelling on West Main Street #386 Little Falls,
N.Y., The above is a                                                 1500.00          5000.00

Single frame dwelling occupied as home by deceased.
About 25 acres of hillside not suitable for building lots,
Assessed as farm land,                                               900.00           1000.00

Single frame dwelling, 118 Kenyon St. Little Falls, N.Y.                                                                        800.00           1600.00
Rents for $13. a month

Double Frame Dwelling on West Main St. #371.
Rents for $13, a side, (Bequest to Fred M.
Kenyon of $100. per year for life is made a
Lien upon this. Life tenant will be 59 years
Of age on Oct. 28, 1920,                                           1500.00
Value 3000. deduct value of life estate $919.90                                  2080.10

Double Frame Dwelling #373 West Main St.
Rents for $13. a month,                                             1500.00          3000.00

Vacant lots on Kenyon Street,                                      350.00           500.00

Single Frame Dwelling, West Main St.
Rents for $17. per month.                                          1200.00          2000.00

Lot with barn West Main St.                                       1200.00          1000.00

Rents for $50. per year. Barn in very poor
Condition, ready to collapse.

                                   Total,                                                      16180.00

SCHEDULE C. (Debts, Funeral Expenses. Etc.)

NAME OF CREDITOR                       NATURE OF CLAIM                            AMOUNT          

H. A. Tozer,Undertaker,268.50
Barrett & Kenyon,Dress-for burial,25.00
Rev. C.E.S. Rasey,Services at Funeral,10.00

Porters at Funeral,12.00
H.S. DeckerCarriages at Funeral,21.00
Wilkie & Rolling,Funeral,10.00
Miss Neary,Nurse,20.00
Dr. Hunt,Medical services,4.00

Small bills - groceries etc.25.00

Marker to be erected,100.00

Estimated Expenses of administration150.00

Fees of Executrices,75.30



(name every beneficiary, and give date of birth of every life tenant)

NAME AND RESIDENCE           Relationship           NATURE OF INTEREST           VALUE

Fred M. Kenyon,
Born October 28th, 1861
Son$100. a year for life919.90
Cora I. KenyonDaughterHomestead and ½
of residue
Emma C. Tozer,Daughter½ of Residue.6435.97

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