Justice Court Hearing, 1845Town of Winfield, Herkimer County, New YorkBelow is a list of persons who were present at a rowdy evening at the Baptist Church in Winfield back in 1845. Several surnames below appear in the article "West Winfield Society for the Promotion of Temperance," which lists earlier local temperance society members. Do you recognize anyone who attended this trial or the meeting? We'd love to be able to identify them to post here. If you do, please contact the site coordinator. This resource, originally transcribed by Mrs. Alice Payne Garden, is found in the Miscellaneous Compiled Records of the D.A.R., Volume 131, p. 84, 1939-40, and available for your viewing at the Research Library of the New York City Public Library on 5th Avenue, the NY State Library in Albany, and at the main D.A.R. Library in Washington, D.C. Samuel McKee and William McLaughlin, Justices Presiding, in the case of The People vs. Levi Adams, James Miller, Charles Edmonds and Samuel Eaton, on a "Complaint for Riot", Alvah Barber, Complainant. Dated January 9 1845 The case, according to the testimony, grew out of a disturbance at a temperance meeting held at the Baptist church on the evening of Jan. 3, 1845, at which the speaker, described only as "a man by the name of Abbott," was repeatedly interrupted by loud talking, laughter, stamping of feet and whistling; an egg was thrown, candles were blown out. The following witnesses were examined: Alvah Barber, Complainant ----- Resides in Winfield (the only witness stating his place of residence.) Julius Bisby: Mentions Charles Edmonds, Levi Adams, James Miller, Noadiah Taylor Margarett Adams: Mentions Levi Adams, Clinton Babcock, Hudson Patten, Charles Edmonds, L Mory. Jacob Harter: ------ Thomas Adams: Heard his brother talk with Israel Moore and Charles Edmonds. Jacob Fluno: ------- William King: Mentions Levi Adams, L Mory, Charles Edmonds, Israel Moore Noadiah Taylor: -------- George Murdock: Mentions Samuel Eaton Lyman Patten: Mentions Edmonds, Hiram Falkner, "young Hatch." Anson P Fairchild: Mentions James Miller Darius Waters: Mentions Levi Adams and Samuel Eaton Hudson Patten: Mentions Charles Edmonds, Signs his testimony Charles H. Patten George Hammond: Mentions James Miller; signed Geo. W. Hammond. Joseph Morgan: Mentions Darwin Babcock James Eason: Mentions Thomas Adams, Levi Adams and Watford Waters. Signed, Charles J Eason. John Eaton: Says he started from his father's with Samuel Eaton; mentions "Adams and his cousin" Signed John B Eaton James Eaton: Says he was not at the meeting. Others testifying: David R Carrier, Charles G Rogers, John Round, Selden B Wright For further information about persons listed, please visit or order a search from the Herkimer County Historical Society. This unusual resource was prepared by volunteer Dick Nabinger, who also typed up the temperance society members article. Dick's
family arrived in Herkimer County in the mid-19th century: |
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