What more can we say about this section? Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. Please send in your collected Herkimer or Montgomery Counties related obits. Put "OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.
9/10/07 The obituaries of Mrs. Emma Powers Curtis Knight and William Bernard Knight were graciously contributed by Steven Knight! The Evening Telegram April 14, 1926 Mohawk Loses An Aged Resident Mrs. Emma Knight, wife of the late Byron Knight, died at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her son, William Knight 74 (sic) West Main street. She had been in failing health for the past three years and a short time ago fell, breaking her shoulder which hastened the end. Mrs. Knight was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Powers of Newport where she was born 77 years ago. She was twice married. Her first husband was Charles Curtis of Utica and several years following his demise she was married to Byron Knight also of Utica where most of her life had been spent. Mr. Knight died 45 years ago. For the past three years Mrs. Knight has resided with her son in Mohawk where she leaves many friends. She was a member of Calvary Episcopal Church of Utica. There survives besides her son mentioned, another son, Charles Curtis of Ilion and four grandchildren John and Kenneth Knight of Mohawk and Harry and Helen Curtis of Ilion. The funeral will be privately held from the son's home at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. William J. Gage of Grace Church officiating. Burial will be in Mohawk Cemetery . Friends may call at the home this evening from 7 until 9. (Emma was my great-grandmother.) Steven Knight The Evening Telegram Herkimer, NY December 23, 1926 MOHAWK BARBER FALLS DEAD BESIDE CHAIR Death Comes Suddenly to William Bernard Knight in the Renwick Thomas Shop Funeral Friday Morning This village was shocked at the sudden and entirely unexpected last evening of one of its well-known residents William Bernard Knight of West Main Street. Deceased was a tonsorial artist by occupation and engaged in the trade at the Renwick Thomas shop in Main Street when the end came. Engaged in lathering the face of Harry Busher, Mr. Knight reached for a towel when he died instantly. William Knight was a native of Utica, in the 48th year of his age, having been born June 6, 1879. He came to Mohawk in 1904 and a year later married Fannie Mooney. Mr. Knight was a man who enjoyed the friendship of all who knew him and sympathy is extended to the family consisting of the wife, two sons, Kenneth and John, and a half-brother, Charles Curtis of Ilion. He was a member of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament and its Holy Name Society. He was affiliated with the Knights of Columbus and the Maccabees. The Holy Name Society will meet this evening at 7:30 and visit the home in a body. The funeral is held from the church tomorrow morning, Father McCarthy, officiating. (William was my grandfather.) Steven Knight 9/4/07 The Syracuse Herald, December 12, 1913. Deaths In Herald Parish. Andrew Murphy, 70, Mohawk 9/4/07 The Syracuse Herald, October 31, 1913 Deaths In Herald Parish. Mrs. Mary E. Giblin, 80, Ilion. 9/4/07 The Syracuse Herald, May 8, 1908, page 3. LITTLE FALLS. John Burns Dies Suddenly. Little Falls, May 8.- John Burns, a prosperous farmer who lived on the outskirts of the city, died suddenly of heart disease. He was 62 years old. He was the father of the Rev. Father Thomas Burns, who has a pastorate at Catskill. Earl Kingsbury, a student in the New York College of Pharmacy, died at his home this forenoon after a brief illness. He was 22 years old. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, July 7, 1921. South Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Casler and daughters, Flora and Marjorie, were called to the County seat last Thursday by the death of Mr. Casler's mother, who resided with her daughter, Mrs. George VanAlstine. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, February 13, 1930. Mrs. Lydia Hardy. Mrs. Lydia Hardy, 83, a lifelong resident of the town of Warren and widow of William Hardy, passed away Saturday morning, Feb. 8, 1930, at her home east of Jordanville after a week's illness. Mrs. Hardy was born August 6, 1846, a daughter of the late John and Lydia McDonald and a twin sister of John McDonald who died last April. She was united in marriage in 1866 to William Hardy who passed away October 23, 1905. Mrs. Hardy was a kind friend and neighbor and was always ready to lend a helping hand. She took a deep interest in her home and family and enjoyed making those about her happy. She attended the Baptist Church and was a member of Jordanville Grange and the Ladies' Missionary Society. Mrs. Hardy lived but four days after her brother, Byron McDonald, passed away. There survive, one son, Clinton Hardy, and two daughters, Mrs. Lulu Mason of Utica and Mrs. Amos Mason of Schenectady; also several grand children and great grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the Baptist Church at Jordanville, Rev. Nichols of Herkimer officiating. The remains were placed in the vault of Highland Rural Cemetery where burial will be made in the Spring. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, sometime in late February, 1886. William O. Norton, of Ilion, fell dead in the depot at Utica, last evening. Heart disease is the ascribed cause of his death. He was well known in Ilion where he owned considerable real estate. He was nearly 70 seventy years of age, and being a man of means, had retired from business. His only daughter, Mrs. Chester Loomis, of Paines Hollow, Herkimer county, and with whom he resided, a considerable portion of the time, his wife having died about three years since. For the past few weeks he has been with relatives in Ilion. He was spoken of as a highly respectable gentleman, possessing the esteem of all who knew him. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, date of paper unknown, late March, 1916. Date of Death March 20, 1916. Aaron Dingman. Aaron Dingman, 80 years old and a retired farmer of Van Hornesville, was found dead on the hills between Van Hornesville and Jordanville Monday morning. His body was found by Alva Snyder and Clarence Keller. The man's head was bruised and Dr. Ralph S. Huyck, coroner of Herkimer, who was called, decided that death followed the shock of being thrown from the cutter in which Mr. Dingman was riding. Mr. Dingman started about 11 o'clock that morning from Jordanville to transact business with his son-in-law, Orvil Hoke. The roads were in such bad condition that the man drove his horse through the lots. Mr. Snyder noticed the horse and cutter on the hill and later saw that theh driver was not in the cutter. He, with Mr. Keller, made an investigation and found Mr. Dingman's body on the ground about three-quarters of a mile from the Hoke residence. Mr. Dingman is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Orvil Hoke of Jordanville and Mrs. Harry Eckler of Cullen. L. M. Eckler. L. M. Eckler, a highly respected citizen of Frankfort, passed away at his home in that village Sunday afternoon at one o'clock. Three years ago he became a victim of heart trouble, which was the cause of his death. He was the son of H. D. and Margaret Ostrander Eckler, and was born in Springfield, N. Y., May 9, 1845, and he was the great grandson of Captain Eckler, one of the three officers who survived the battle of Oriskany. There survive the widow, who was Anne Snyder of springfield Center, two children, Harbe of that village and Mrs. Edward Klossemer of Herkimer and two grandchildren, Edna and Anna Klossmer of Herkimer. The funeral was held from the late home Wednesday afternoon. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, March 11, 1926. Mrs. Menzo Waffle. Giddy Ellen Waffle, aged 77 (?) years, wife of Menzo Waffle of Fort Plain, died at her home in that village Thursday evening, March 4th, at 1 0 o'clock, after a illness of about five months. She was born in the town of Springfield, Otsego county, April 22, 1849, the daughter of the late John Waffle and Barbara Miller Waffle, of that town, and had been a resident of this village practically all of her life. She was a member of the Universalist Church of this village. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, MRs. Myrtle Hoyer; three sisters, Mrs. George Diefendorf, Mrs. John Ashler, and Mrs. Myron Folmsbee all of Gloversville, also three grandchildren. A prayer service was held from the home on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock and the funeral services conducted from the Catherine Nellis Memorial Chapel at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. Benjamin F. Butler, acting pastor of the Universalist Church, officiating. The body was placed in the vault of the Catherine Nellis Memorial Chapel until spring, when burial will be made in Fort Plain Cemetery. Cullen. The baby boy at John Hula's died last week and was buried Friday. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, June 30, 1927. Jordanville. Mrs. Violetta H. Purchase. On Saturday morning, June 25, occurred the death of Mrs. Violetta H. Purchase at the home of her daughter in Middleville. She had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl W. Parmalee, since Wednesday. Mrs. Purchase retired Friday night apparently in good health. She awoke about 4 a. m. Saturday feeling ill. About 5 p. m. she called her son-in-law, Mr. Parmalee, and daughter, who rushed to her assistance. They saw at once that medical aid was needed and Dr. L. L. Kelly was summoned and found Mrs. Purchase suffering from acute dilation of the heart. She died about twenty minutes later. Mrs. Purchase was born in Jordanville, Nov. 3, 1849 and was the daughter of William and Hulda Belshaw. Her entire life has been spent in Jordanville with the exception of a few years which we re spent on a farm about two miles east of this village. On Aug. 22, 1866, she married James Purchase who died June 2, 1903. Mrs. Purchase was a member of the Baptist Church of this village, of the Ladies' Aid and Missionary Society and of Jordanville Grange. Mrs. Purchase was a king neighbor and friend and was always ready to lend a helping hand. Her death came as a great shock not only to the family but all her friends. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Earl Parmalee of Middleville, three sons, William of Antioch, Calif., and Thaddeus and Charles of Jordanville; one grandson, Ralph Parmalee of Middleville; two granddaughters, Mrs. W. H. Robertson of this place and Mrs. Lawrence Jennings of Ilion; also, several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. Rev. Horseman of Fulton, a former pastor here, will officiate. Burial will be made in Highland View Cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, February, date unknown, 1930. John W. Brandow Passes. A feeling of sorrow pervades Van Hornesville, for one of its best known and best loved residents, in the person of John Werdon Brandow, has joined the silent majority. His death occurred Thursday, Jan. 30, at the home of his only son, Ralph, in Herkimer. Mr. Brandow was ailing in health early in the Winter, and he decided to go to the home of his son to spend the remainder of the Winter. He was able to be about the son's home and entered into the social activities of the household even as late as Wednesday night. Thursday morning he said he felt fairly well, but while the son was absent from the father's room for a few minutes the venerable man passed away. His death was characteristic of his life - peaceful and with perfect resignation to the Divine order. Mr. Brandow was born on the Brandow homestead farm in the town of Springfield, south of Van Hornesville, in 1842 and was therefore in his 85th year. His parents were the late John W. and Catherine Conine Brandow. He remained on the farm until he reached the age of young manhood and then took up his residence in Jordanville, where he was engaged in business for many years. Over 15 years ago he went to Van Hornesville to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Ida Young, and to take the active management of the properties of his distinguished nephew, Hon. Owen D. Young, to whom he was indeed the beloved Uncle John, with all the depth of affection and loving kinship that the term implies. Between the two there was that feeing of confidence and reliance on each other's judgment that was most beautiful and wholesome. Mr. Brandow acted as Mr. Young's representative in Van Hornesville in the work of building the new school and all the past Summer acted in the same capacity in the construction of the teachers' home. It was with much reluctance that Mr. Brandow was compelled to relinquish the work a few weeks ago on account of his health. In 1867 deceased married Maria Van Horne, a member of an old family closely identified with the history of that section. She died in 1915, and there survive the son named, two daughters, Mrs. Lena Loveland of Herkimer and Mrs. W. I. Taber of Utica; two grandchildren, John Worden Ellwood of New York and Miss Fernabelle Brandow, a teacher in the Saugerties, N. Y. high school; one sister, Mrs. Ida Young, and two brothers, Alfred of Van Hornesville and Leroy of Fort Plain. A prayer service was held at the son (sic) at 10:30 Saturday, and the body taken to Van Hornesville for the funeral in the afternoon at the Methodist Church, Rev. W. H. Skeels of the Universalist Church at Herkimer officiating and burial was made in the Van Hornesville Cemetery. Byron McDonald The community was shocked Tuesday noon to hear of the sudden death of Byron McDonald. Mr. McDonald was born in the town of Warren October 2, 1849. On January 1, 1870, he was united in marriage to Ida Ashley. Mr. McDonald has always lived in the town of Warren and followed the occupation of farmer. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Safroit King and Mrs. Alvin Madison; four grandchildren, Mrs. Elmer Burke, Willard Madison, Mrs. Claude Tilly and Byron King; also ten great grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Lydia Hardy; also several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 p. m., Rev. Allen Brown officiating. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, date unknown. Died. Passed to spirit life at East Winfield, June 9th, Mrs. N. E. Hitchings Hull, aged 69 years. It seemeth hard to hide from sight Funeral services at the Methodist church, West Winfield, the 17th inst., at 11 o'clock A. M. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. 9/4/07 The Richfield Springs Mercury, October 17, 1929. Jordanville. Harriet Boyden DeLong On Saturday morning, Oct. 12th, at 7 o'clock occurred the death of Harriet Boyden, widow of the late H. M. De Long. Mrs. De Long had been an invalid for several years but was confined in her bed for the past two weeks only. Harriet Lucretia Boyden was born at Pembroke, N. Y., May 30, 1844, and was united in marriage to Mr. DeLong in 1867. Mr. DeLong Passed away November 21, 1928. Mr. and Mrs. DeLong moved to Newark, New Jersey, in 1900 and came to Jordanville in November of 1922. Mrs. DeLong was a woman of sterling character, a loving mother and kind neighbor. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Eugene Swift, with whom she lived and who tenderly cared for her in her declining years; one son, Everette, of Mohawk; two grandchildren, Mrs. Carlton Pierce of Van Hornesville and Robert Pierce of Van Hornesville. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the home, the Rev. C. Vandenbergh of the Baptist Church officiating. Interment was mede in Highland Rural Cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family in the loss of a dear mother. 9/4/07 The Utica Herald Dispatch, November 16, 1905 [obit is for Utica, NY but being posted to assist Casler researchers.] Mrs. Alfred Casler Dead. Mrs. Alfred Casler, aged 54? years, died at her home in Casler street last evening after a long illness. Cancer of the stomach was the cause of death. Mrs. Casler's maiden name was Waldon. She was a member of the First Methodist Church and an earnest worker. Left to survive are her husband and one daughter, Minnie.8/18/07 Phebe A. Sproat's obituary was contributed by Charlott Jones! The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, Oregon OBIT The sorrowing relatives and sympathizing neighbors assembled on Tuesday last to pay their last affections and tribute to Mrs. W. C. Sproak, who died on last Sunday morning, March 17th of congestion of the lungs, following an attack of the grip. Her illness was brief and her death came as a sudden blow to her grief stricken husband and children. Deceased was born in Herkimer County, New York nearly 71 years ago, coming west with her parents before the era of railroad and settling in Wisconsin, when the state was still a wilderness, later moving to northern Minnesota, enduring the severe cold of that climate for 20 years and last September settling with her family in the genial Hood River valley, finally anticipating a further lease of life in this fruitful vale. She was a home woman in every sense of the word. Her husband and children ever being apparent in her mind. Self denial, self sacrifice and a rigid fulfillment of her sense of duty and morality were her cardinal principal. She early in life united with the Methodist church and died in the fullness of Christian faith. ( Phebe A. Sproat is buried with her husband William C. Sproat and sons Boyd and Charles H. Sproat in Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Oregon) 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, January 15, 1904. (Syracuse NY)
William G. Milligan, a Retired Banker, Dead Little Falls, Jan. 9.- William G. Milligan, a retired banker of this city, is dead at the age of 86 years. He was connected with the National Herkimer County bank of this city for fifty-one years from clerk to president. He resigned from active duty three years ago. 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, December 14, 1899. (Syracuse NY) FATAL ACCIDENT ARTHUR GOODMAN WAS KILLED THIS MORNING. Ran Over by a Wagon Loaded Special to The Herald: Poland, Dec. 14.- Arthur Goodman was run over by a load of feed this morning and killed. He was 5 years old and was the son of L. H. Goodman, feed dealer. One of his father's wagons, driven by M. J. Harris, was coming from the station. The child was running near it and another wagon, driven close to him, caused him to stub his toe. He fell between the front and rear wheels of his father's wagon and one of them passed over his head, crushing it so badly that he died fifteen minutes later. 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, March 11, 1900. (Syracuse NY) Mrs. George B. Waterman Buried. Nelliston, March 10.- The remains of Mrs. George B. Waterman were brought from Albany to this village yesterday morning. The funeral was held in the Methodist church in the afternoon, the Rev. M. J. Ostegee officiating. Mrs. Waterman formerly lived in Nelliston but about a year ago she removed to Clinton avenue, Albany, with her husband, who is a brakeman on the Central railroad. 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, January 18, 1904. (Syracuse NY) Died in New York. Little Falls, Jan. 18.- Thomas A. Brodie, husband of Miss Fannie Kehoe, formerly of this city, died at his home in New York Saturday night from pneumonia. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Brodie took place last August. They spent their honeymoon in England and Ireland. They returned to New York about a month ago. Mr. Brodie contracted a severe cold while on the ocean trip, which developed into pneumonia. 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, January 25, 1904. (Syracuse NY) Death of Mrs. Caroline Devendorf. Mohawk, Jan. 25.- Yesterday morning at her home in West Main street occurred the death of Mrs. Caroline Devendorf, widow of Cornelius Devendorf. She was 89 years old. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Adelaide Tuttle of Washington, D. C., and one son, Ralph of this village. The funeral will be held from the house Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will be made in Mohawk cemetery. 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, January 2, 1904. (Syracuse NY) KILLED BY A FALL. JAMES H. JENNINGS FOUND DEAD IN A HALLWAY. Lost His Footing While Descending the Little Falls, Jan. 2.- James H. Jennings, who lived at No. 226 East Burwell street, fell and broke his neck while descending the stairs in Trades Assembly hall in the Leahy block at about 11:16 o'clock last night. Maj. John C. Leahy was talking to a customer in his cafe when they heard some one fall down stairs. They went up into the hallway and found Jennings lying upon the floor dead. Drs. A. B. Santry and George A. Sneth (?) and Coroner Douglas were called. They found that Jennings had went upstairs supposedly to find somebody he wanted to see in the Trades Assembly rooms. The remains were removed to Herlehy's undertaking rooms and Coroner Douglas held an inquest to-day. Jennings was about 37 years old. He was a quiet, inoffensive fellow. He visited a number of saloons last night but did not drink much, it is said. He was employed in the Daniel LaDue mill and was an industrious young man. He was a member of Westcott council, Royal Arcanum. Besides his widow he is survived by two young children, three brothers, two sisters and his mother. Mr. Jenning's father died suddenly last summer. From our online cemetery listings: Old St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery Jennings James H. 1869-1904 Wf. Frances Was this man his father? Jennings John 1838-? Wf. Mary 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, January 11, 1904. (Syracuse NY) Death of the Father of the Grain Elevator Law. LIttle Falls, Jan. 11.- Attorney Patrick H. McEvoy died at his home in Burwell street this morning from a complication of liver and stomach troubles which had confined him to his house for some time. In his death Little Falls loses one of its most respected citizens and the bar of Herkimer county a distinguished and able member. He was a Republican in politics. In 1868 he was elected to the Assembly from Herkimer county and made an enviable record. He was the father of the McEvoy grain elevator law which fixed a minimum charge for handling grain in Buffalo. It is said there was much money raised to defeat this measure and Mr. McEvoy could have left the Legislature a rich man if he had called off the bill, but he persisted and it became a law. He has since ben held in high favor by the canal men in this STate. Mr. McEvoy was returned to the Legislature the next year, the Democrats indorsing him. In 1883 Mr. McEvoy married Miss Kate Donovan of this city who with five children, John P., Jay Edward, Leo and Bernard and Miss Mary E. McEvoy, survive him. He is also survived by two brothers, James of this city and John of Fairfield. 8/18/07 Mrs. Katherine Stoutenberg. Little Falls, Jan. 11.- Mrs. Katherine Stoutenberg died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lester Kane, in John street, this morning. She was about 6 (sic) years old. A few weeks ago she fell and broke her hip and never recovered from the shock. Heart disease was the direct cause of her death. She leaves no family. 8/18/07 From the Evening Herald, January 25, 1904. (Syracuse NY) Little Falls, Jan. 25.- The girl twin baby of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Kenyon, three days old, died Saturday night. 8/17/07 Carrie Wittenmeyer Droege's obit was submitted by Lisa Slaski! Utica Daily Press abt 4 Jun 1926 Mrs. Charles Droege Mohawk, June 4 - Mrs. Carrie Wittenmeyer Droege, wife of Charles Droege, died Friday afternoon at her home, 42? Marshall Avenue. Last October she fell, suffering a broken hip and for some time was in the Herkimer Hospital, later coming home when complications developed, and she failed gradually until the end. Mrs. Droege would have been 73 years old on Sunday, June 4, having been born in Germany in 1853, a daughter of the late Mary and Fred Wittemeyer. She came to America with her parents at the age of three years. Her marriage to Charles Droege took place in Schenectady on April 1, 1873?. After their marriage they resided in Amsterdam, coming to Mohawk in 1914, where they have since made their home. Mrs. Droege was a member of the Methodist Church at Amsterdam and also the Ladies Benevolent Society. Besides the husband there survive five children, Miss Mary Droege, Mrs. Herman Havemeyer and Charles Droege of Mohawk; Mrs. Grover Coy of Camden; Henry Droege, Amsterdam; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild; also a sister Mrs. Elizabeth Rothmyer of Auriesville, and a brother, Fred C. Wittemeyer of Schenectady. The funeral will be held Monday morning at the home with a prayer at 9 by Rev. Arthur Partington, and at 3 p.m. from the home of the son, Henry Droege, [ ] Fairview Place, Amsterdam, Rev. A. Grob of the Methodist Church, her former pastor, officiating. Burial will be made in the Amsterdam Cemetery. 8/17/07 A few more obits from Lisa Slaski for her extended Minch family!
Utica Daily Press John H. Minch Lifelong Resident of Nelliston Passes Away After Short Illness Fort Plain, Jan 11- John H. Minch aged 64 years, lifelong resident of the village of Nelliston, died at his home Saturday night following a short illness. He was born at Sprakers, N.Y., and was the son of the late Phillip and Catherine Minch of that place. For several years he had been employed as night watchman for the A. A. Walrath Company in River Street, this village. Mr. Minch was a man well known in both Fort Plain and Nelliston and well liked by all. He is survived by his wife, one son, William Minch; two daughters, Mrs. Otto Stahler and Mrs. Seward Dillenback, and five grandchildren, all of Fort Plain. A prayer service will be held at his late home Tuesday at 2 p.m. and there will be services at the Catherine [ ] Memorial Chappel in this village at 2:30. Rev. Clarence L. Schaertel, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church officiating. The body will be placed in the vault of the Catherine Nellis Memorial Chapel and burial will be made in Fort Plain Cemetery in the spring. Utica Daily Press Mrs. Louise Minch Nelliston - Mrs. Louise Minch, 86, widow of John Minch, died May 14, 1959, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Otto R. Stahler, Nelliston, after a short illness. Mrs. Minch was born July 12, 1872, in Dentz-Hassen, Germany [should be Dens, Hessen], daughter of Henry and Martha Bettinheusen Wetterau. Mrs. Minch came to this country when she was 19 and has resided in Nelliston since. She has lived in the house where she died for the past 58 years. In 1892, she was married to Mr. John Minch. He died in 1926. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Fort Plain, and its Ladies Aid Society. She leaves Mrs. Stahler and another daughter, Mrs. Seward Dillenbeck Sr., of Fort Plain; five grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be at 2 Monday from the Swartz Funeral Home, Fort Plain, the Rev. Richard Rieger, pastor of St. Paul's Church, officiating. Burial will be in Fort Plain Cemetery. 8/10/07 Lisa Slaski has contributed a collection of 4 obituaries for her extended Minch family!
Utica Daily Press Canajoharie, June 18, - Frederick C. Minch died suddenly on Sunday night at his home in Amsterdam following a stroke. Mr. Minch had been in his customary health until Sunday morning when he complained of pains. He was born in Canajoharie December 13, 1876, a son of George Minch and Augusta Shults. The early part of his life was spent in Canajoharie, where he learned the barber trade and for many years conducted a barber shop in Amsterdam. He was a well known musician. Besides his widow and one daughter, he is survived by three brothers, Conrad, Herman and William of Amsterdam, and three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Russ, Mrs. Arthur Mullins and Mrs. Marshall Davis of this village. Utica Daily Press Former Canajoharie Resident Succumbs Canajoharie, Aug 13, - Conrad Minch, Amsterdam, a former resident of this village, died at his home in that city Wednesday night, after a short illness. Mr. Minch was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Minch, and spent the early part of his life in Canajoharie where he was well known. He was a barber by trade, and also a well known Musician, being for many years a member of Minch's Orchestra in Amsterdam. Besides his widow, he is survived by two brothers, Herman and William, Amsterdam, and three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Russ, Mrs. Minnie Mullins and Mrs. Marshall Davis, this village. Utica Daily Press Canajoharie - Mrs. Elizabeth L. Russ, 68, died Monday, Aug 22, 1938, at her home in Montgomery St., after a 10 day's illness. She was born in Canajoharie, daughter of George and Augusta Shults Minch. A member of St. John's Lutheran Church, Mrs. Russ was also vice-president of its Missionary Society. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Mullins, Mrs. Marshall Davis, Canajoharie, two brothers Herman P. Minch and William C. Minch and several nieces and nephews. Utica Daily Press Mrs. Minnie L. Mullins Canajoharie - Mrs. Minnie L. Mullins, 80, of 76 Montgomery St., died Mar. 23, 1952 at the Fort Plain Nursing Home. She had been ill a year. She was born Aug. 29, 1871, daughter of George and Augusta Shults Minch in Canajoharie. She had lived here most of her life. She was the widow of Arthur Mullins, who died in 1929. Mrs. Mullins was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church, the Women's Missionary Society, Willing Workers and Ladies Aid of the church. She leaves a brother, William Minch, Amsterdam; a sister Mrs. Maude Davis, Canajoharie, with whom she had made her home; several nieces, nephews and cousins. The funeral will be at 2 tomorrow from the Houghtaling Funeral Home with the Rev. Walter Krumwiede, pastor of St. John's Church officiating. Burial will be in the Canajoharie Falls Cemetery. 8/10/07 From the Evening Herald, January 23, 1904. (Syracuse NY) Aged Woman Dead In Her Bed. Fulton, Jan. 23, Mrs. Anna Grifin, 80 years old, a resident of Stony Roby, was found dead in bed night before last. Old age probably being the cause of death. Her husband, Thomas Griffin, was unable to reach this city on account of the snow drifts, until yesterday afternoon. Undertake Cole then made his way to Stony Roby and made arrangements for burial, which will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Note: "Stony Roby" was possibly a nickname for Stone Arabia. 8/10/07 From the Evening Herald, December 22, 1899 (Syracuse NY) DEATH OF J. D. TAYLOR He Was Well KNown Throughout Canajoharie, Dec. 22.- James D. Taylor, secretary and treasurer of the Wagner Palace Car company, died in Washington, D. C., yesterday from nervous prostration, aged 63 years. He had been ill for a few days, and, acting upon advice of his physicians went to Washington to recuperate. Wednesday a letter was received here saying his health was better. Almost since the organization of the Wagner Palace Car company he was secretary and treasurer,an d was a hard and energetic worker. His diligent labors without much rest caused his death. He was well and favorably known in the Mohawk valley, and especially at this place, where he owned a beautiful summer home and where, with his family, he spent the summers. Thirty-four years ago he married Miss Emma Wagner, daughter of Webster Wagner, inventor of the Wagner palace car. He was a brother of Mrs. D. M. Taylor of this village and a brother-in-law of Mrs. George Van Vlack of Palatine Bridge. The remains will undoubtedly be brought here on Monday aor burial. 8/10/07 From the Evening Herald, January 1, 1904 (a Syracuse NY newspaper) DIED OF HIS INJURIES. Italian Struck by a Train at Canajoharie Yesterday. Little Falls, Jan. 1.- Michael Flavora, an Italian who had his leg crushed by the cars while working the switches in the Canajoharie yards of the Central road a few days ago, was brought to the Little Falls hospital last night. His leg was amputated and he died from the effects of the operation. The body was taken to Tozer's undertaking rooms and an effort will be made to locate his relatives if he has any. 8/10/07 From the Evening Herald, October 26, 1899 (Syracuse NY) ON A WEST SHORE TRAIN A Colorado Man Stricken and Died of Apoplexy. Canajoharie, Oct. 26.- George Seaver of Pueblo, Col., a passenger on a West Shore train bound from New York city for his home, was stricken with apoplexy last night between Amsterdam and Fultonville, and died at once. The remains were taken in charge by the Coroner here and his family notified. 8/10/07 From The Syracuse Herald, July 1, 1916. Deaths in Herald Parish. Patrick Mahar, 68, Little Falls. Mrs. Desire Longley, 76, Little Falls. SUCCOMBS TO STROKE Patrick Mahar Is Stricken While at Little Falls, July 1.- Patrick Mahar died at 10:30 o'clock last night as a result of a stroke of paralysis which he suffered yesterday morning while at work in the Phoenix mill. Mr. Mahar was taken to his home in an unconscious condition and Dr. Santry was called to attend him. He did not regain consciousness and died at the house stated. Mr. Mahar was born in Ireland in 1848. He is survived by his wife, four children, William, Walter and Mary Mahar of this city, and James Mahar of Utica. Also a brother, William of this city. He was a member of St. Mary's church and of the Holy Name society connected therewith. FOUND DEAD IN BED Mrs. Desire Longley Dies Suddenly Little Falls, July 1.- Mrs. Desire Longley, who has resided with her brother, Charles Lewis, on West Monroe street, for the past few months, was found dead in bed yesterday morning when members of the family went to awaken her. Mrs. Longley never complained of being seriously ill but it was known that her health was not as it should be. Coroner Hunt was called and he pronounced death as being due to cerebral hemorrhage. She was 76 years of age and spent most of her life in Johnstown. A short time ago her husband died. 8/10/07 From The Syracuse Herald, June 1, 1913. Mrs. Kate B. Warren Mrs. Warren, wife of Albert R.(?) Warren, died at noon yesterday at her home, No. 12_ 1/2 Grace street. She had been ill but a short time. The body will be sent to Mohawk, N. Y., on Tuesday morning, by undertaker, F. W. Traugott. Services will be held at that place in the afternoon at the Dutch Reformed church at ___ o'clock. Burial will be made at Mohawk. Mrs. Warren was a former resident of that place. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, June 19, 1917, page 9. Deaths in Herald Parish. Myron C. Brown, Ilion. Lyman Hoke, 35/85(?), St. Johnsville. 8/7/07 From Syracuse Herald, October 13, 1916. Deaths in Herald Parish. Mrs. John F. Simons, 62, Frankfort. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, August 10, 1916. STRICKEN AT TABLE Mrs. John H. Kneeskern Suffers Fatal Stroke of Paralysis. St. Johnsville, Aug. 10.- Stricken at the dinner table at her home yesterday afternoon, Mrs. John H. Kneeskern died three hours later from paralysis. She had been in apparently good health during the morning, doing considerable house work. She sat down to the table at noon with her husband. Suddenly she fell back her chair and became unconscious. Physicians were summoned, but the woman died at 3 o'clock.
Utica Herald Dispatch 10 Aug 1916 Mrs. Jane A. Kneeskern Her Death Occurred Suddenly Yesterday Afternoon. St. Johnsville, Aug. 10 - Mrs. John [sic] A. Kneeskern, wife of John H. Kneeskern, passed away very suddenly at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, at the family home at West St. Johnsville, having been stricken with paralysis while at dinner at 12 o'clock and never rallied. She had been about her household duties during the morning and had baked the bread as usual. Mrs. Kneeskern was the daughter of Jeremiah Marsh and Sarah Petrie Marsh and was born at Evans Mills, April 28 (or 23?), 1842, but had lived at West St. Johnsville for the past 47 (or 67?) years. Mrs. Kneeskern was a woman of splendid type of character, kind, genial, loyal and was almost entirely concerned with the affairs of the home circle. She had a strong affection for her kindred, and her friends of many years standing. Her husband, John H. Kneeskern, two stepsons, Lester Kneeskern and Alvin Kneeskern, one grandson, William Kneeskern all of West St. Johnsville and one sister, Mrs. Eugene Spencer, survive. The funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon from the house at 1:30 o'clock with the Rev. H. W. McCrone of the Grace Christian Church officiating. The interment will be made on Prospect View Cemetery in this village. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, May 29, 1916. Deaths in Herald Parish. George Edwards, 25, Little Falls. Alonzo O. Casler, 74, Little Falls. Mrs. Elmira Klock, St. Johnsville. GEORGE EDWARDS DEAD Little Falls, May 29.- George Edwards, 25, died last night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards. He had been ill for two years. He was born in this city and educated in the local high school. He later entered Harvard, where he remained until his health failed. Besides his parents, he leaves a wife and two children. A. O. CASLER DEAD Had Served as Postmaster for One Term Under Cleveland. Little Falls, May 29.- Alonzo O. Casler, 74, died at his home in West Monroe street Saturday afternoon. He has been suffering from heart disease. He leaves his wife, one daughter and two sons. Mr. Casler was postmaster of this city during the second Cleveland administration. His parents were among the first settlers in this section. Mr. Casler was prominent in business circles. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, April 11, 1916, page 16. EDWIN F. SNELL DEAD Sudden Passing Away of Respected Resident of St. Johnsville. St. Johnsville, April 11.- Edwin F. Snell, 71, a respected resident, was found dead in his bed Sunday morning at the home of his son, Norman Snell, on Averill street. Mr. Snell, although not in robust health, was as well as usual upon retiring Saturday night. He was born in Oppenheim seventy-one years ago, but for forty years was a resident of St. Johnsville. Up to the last seven years he had been successfully engaged in farming. He was a former member of the St. Johnsville grange, No. 695. Besides his son, Norman Snell, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Clark Markell, and one grandson, Henry Markell of Utica, and one brother, Morgan Snell of Fralickfack,(?) Canada. The funeral will be held to-morrow morning at 10:30 from his residence and burial will be made in Ingham Mills cemetery. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, February 3, 1916. PETER VAN ETTA DEAD Would Have Celebrated His Ninetieth Canajoharie, Feb. 21.- Peter Van Etta, one of the oldest and best known residents of this village died at the home of his son Oscar on Mill street yesterday afternoon. Mr. Van Etta was born here on April 29th, 1826, and lived here all his life. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. John Landry, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be madme in Prospect Hill Cemetery. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, February 3, 1916. MISS FARRELL DEAD Little Falls, Feb. 3.- MIss Gertrude Farrell, 21, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farrell, in King street. She had been ill for two years. Besides her parents she is survived by two sisters and three brothers. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. Mary church and the remains will be placed in SL... (articles ends suddenly, probably misprint.) OPERATION FATAL John Fitzpatrick of St. Johnsville St. Johnsville, Feb. 3.- John Fitzpatrick, 62, died Tuesday night in a Utica hospital following an operation. Mr. Fitzpatrick had been a resident of this village for many years and was one of the prominent citizens. The funeral will be held to-morrow morning at St. Patrick's church. Burial will be made in Middlesprite. Two sons, one brother and two sisters survive Mr. Fitzpatrick. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, January 7, 1930, page 22. Death Record. Mrs. Lulu Ives Carpenter Irwin, 67, former Syracusan, who died at her home in Norway, N. Y., Friday, will be buried tomorrow in Norway Cemetery. The funeral will be conducted at 2 o'clock in Norway Baptist Church. Surviving relatives include her husband, William A. Irwin; a brother, Charles S. Ives, Hannibal; a niece, Miss Elizabeth Ives; a nephew, Amos Ives of Syracuse, and several cousins. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, October 26, 1913, page 10. IDENTIFY CANAL VICTIM Body Found Was That of John J. Nolan, 34, Litchfield. Ilion, Oct. 25.- The body of the man found in the canal Thursday morning has been identified as that of John J. Nolan of Litchfield, living near Cedar Lake. The deceased with the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan of Litchfield and was 34 years of age and unmarried. He was last seen on October 14th in this village. The identification was made by his father and two brothers of Litchfield, and his aunt, Mrs. James Nolan of Montgomery street this village. Undertaker Angell wil take the remains to West WInfield, where the funeral will be held.
CHARLES S. MILLINGTON, Utica, Oct. 25.- Charles S. Millington, president of the Herkimer National bank, Herkimer, died this morning, aged 58 yaers. President Millington served one term in the Congress from this district. He was nominated for a second term but was defeated by Charles A. Talcott, Dem., who is now in Congress. On May 13th, 1911, Mr. Millington was appointed by President Taft as assistant United States treasurer at New York City. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, February 19, 1911, page B-7. SAMUEL F. MERRY Fulton, Feb. 18.- This city loses one of its oldest citizens, if not the oldest, in the death of Samuel F. Merry, who died at his home here last night. He was born at Litchfield, September 25, 1818, and his age was therefore 92 years old. He was a retired manufacturer and had lived in this city 25 years. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Carlow Church of this city and Mrs. Emma F. Bierman of St. Louis. The funeral will be held on Monday from the house and the Rev. S. T. Betts of Syracuse will officiate. Burial will be in Mt. Adnah. 8/7/07 From The Syracuse Herald, October 20, 1919 MISS LELAH BECK, The body of Miss Lelah Beck, 24, a graduate nurse of the Hospital of the Good Shepherd, who died at that institution Sunday evening, has been removed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beck, at her former home in Nelliston. She had been ill several months. Miss Beck was graduated last June. She was one of the most popular nurses at the hospital. Besides her parents she is survived by a brother, Joseph Beck, of Nelliston. Miss Beck had made her home in this city with the family of George H. Burns, 122 East Pleasant avenue. 8/7/07 From the Utica Herald Dispatch, 26 Jan 1901. Contributed by Lisa Slaski, who isn't related to Mr. Albertson. Fort Plain Jan 26- Edwin Davis Albertson, aged 22, died at his home on Hancock street yesterday afternoon of consumption. He was the son of the late George A. Albertson. Mr. Albertson was at one time shipping clerk for Dunn, Smith & Co., but for a short time past had conducted a pool and billiard room in the Wieting block. He was a member of the Winning Hose Company. The funeral will be held at the house at 2 o'clock Sunday, the Rev. C. D. Broughton officiating. The bearers will be members of the Winning Hose Company, Frank Thurwood, Harry Dahlen, Albert Sneck, E. P. DeWandelaer, Charles Wagner and James Cogovan. 8/7/07 From the Syracuse Herald, July 23, 1911. Ilion Notes. Ilion, July 22.- Clarence Day, aged 33 years, died of Brights disease at the Ilion hospital yesterday morning after a long illness. He leaves a widow, two sons, his father and one brother, all of Ilion. Mrs. Frank O. Hubbard, No. 6 Arlington avenue, died of apoplexy Friday. She was born in Oswego 56 years ago. The funeral will be held to-morrow morning. Mrs. Elizabeth Benson, aged 61 years, died at the Ilion hospital Friday. She was stricken with apoplexy at the Burch dry goods store and died shortly after her removal to the hospital. Funeral occurs to-morrow afternoon. The remains of William Hout, whose head was severed from his body while coupling cars at the Herkimer freight yards to-day, have been taken to Albany, where the funeral will be held Monday. 8/7/07 From the Syracuse Herald, September 24, 1915. Deaths in Herald Parish Miss Agnes Moscrip, 66, Poland. 7/5/07 From the Syracuse Herald, January 8, 1917 (Syracuse NY) ILL ONLY ONE DAY, DIES. Herkimer, Jan. 8.- The funeral of Belden Martindale, 84, the oldest resident of East Herkimer who died suddenly Saturday night was held from the family home this afternoon, the Rev. J. Howard Brinckerhoff officiating. Mr. Martindale was the last of the three daughters and one son of the late Robert Martindale. He had been ill only one day. 7/5/07 From the Syracuse Herald, February 5, 1914 (Syracuse NY) BROKE NECK IN FALL. Aged Woman Is Victim of Accident at Mohawk. Mohawk Feb. 5.- While preparing dinner yesterday, Mrs. Mary Catherine Ford, aged 70 years, a resident of Mohawk, fell and fractured the back of her neck which resulted in her death a afew hours later. She is survived by her husband, Chester A. Ford; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Sharp of Herkimer, and Mrs. John Epman of Ilion, and one son, Elmer A. Ford of Mohawk. Mrs. Ford has spent most of her life in the towns of German Flats and Little Falls. She was greatly esteemed by her neighbors for her many good qualities. The funeral will be held from her home in Mohawk Saturday February 7th at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Bingham will officiate. [Mohawk Cemetery has "FORD, Mary C. Heath, 1843 - 1914, Hus. Chester"] 7/5/07 The Syracuse Herald, June 2, 1908 (Syracuse NY) Mrs. John C. Bizolara Dead. Ilion, July 2.- Mrs. John C. Bizolara died at the old homestead, between this village and Frankfort, last evening. Mrs. Bizolara was born near Cohoes in 1824. She is survived by two children and one sister, Mrs. John Van Ness of Cohoes. 7/5/07 The Syracuse Herald, May 16, 1908 (Syracuse NY) Death of a Veteran. Herkimer, May 16.- The remains of H. H. Smith, a veteran of the Civil war, who died in the Soldiers home, Bath, arrive here this forenoon. The funeral will be held Monday forenoon. 7/5/07 The Syracuse Herald, May 9, 1916 (Syracuse NY) Deaths in Herald Parish.
Mrs. Charles Stauring, Mohawk. 7/5/07 The Syracuse Herald, April 3, 1916 (Syracuse NY) FUNERAL OF MRS. M'TIERNAN Little Falls, April 3.- The funeral of Mrs. Maria McTiernan, 63, who died Saturday morning, was held this morning at 9 o'clock from her home in East Main street and at 9:30 o'clock from St. Mary's church where a solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated. Mrs. McTiernan was the widow of William McTiernan and leaves five sons, two daughters, one brother and one sister. 7/5/07 The Sunday Herald, January 14, 1900 (Syracuse NY) William F. Burrell Dead. Herkimer, Jan. 14.- William F. Burrell died at his home about 5 o'clock this evening of kidney trouble, aged 81 years. He was born in Salisbury. When 27 years old he was married to Harriet R. Hamlin of Holland Patent. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell lived in Salisbury until eight years ago, when they moved to this village. He is survived by a widow and two children, W. J. H. Burrell and Mrs. E. G. Sillman of this village. Died of Meningitis. Herkimer, Jan. 13.- The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Dodge of North Herkimer regretted to learn of the death of their 3-year-old daughter, Ethel, this afternoon. She had been ill with typhoid fever, but the immediate cause of death was spinal meningitis, which set in about one week ago. The Evening Herald, January 1, 1904 (Syracuse NY). Died in Oneida. Ilion, Jan. 1.- Mrs. Robert Whitfield, who died at her home in Oneida yesterday morning, was a former resident of this village, having lived here for about fifteen years previous to her taking up her residence in Oneida. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Edward, who is employed in the Typewriter works here; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Baker of West street in this village, and Mrs. George Braiding of Cleveland, O. Mrs. Whitfield was about 6 (sic) years old and a few years ago suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she never fully recovered. From The Evening Herald, February 27, 1900 (Syracuse NY). DIED IN NEW YORK. Mrs. McVeigh Was a Victim of Pneumonia. Canajoharie, Feb. 27.- Mrs. Mary McVeigh, aged about 54 years, died in New York city on Sunday. Mrs. McVeigh had lived here many years, her husband, James McVeigh, being employed in New York. She went to New York last fall to spend the winter with him, intending to return here this spring. She contracted a cold, which engendered pneumonia, and was sick but a week. Mrs. McVeigh was born in Rural Grove, Montgomery county, and had lived here nearly thirty years. She owned considerable real estate and financially was considered well off. Her remains were brought to Albany to-day and interment was made there. From The Evening Herald, February 15, 1900 (Syracuse NY). NELLISTON. AT THE AGE OF EIGHTY. THE FOUNDER OF THE VILLAGE He Was a Member of One of the Pioneer Families of the Mohawk Valley, and One of Its Most Prominent Citizens. Nelliston, Feb. 15.- Abram Nellis, sr., aged 80 years, died at his home in this village yesterday afternoon. He was about the house yesterday and was in the streets and at the noonday meal. He complained of some food which he had eaten during the morning, left the dinner table and went into an adjoining room. His (word left out by printer), Abram, Jr., heard a noise and found his father lying on the floor, gasping for breath. He expired almost immediately. Heart disease as the cause of death. Mr. Nellis was born in St. Johnsville, September 26th, 1820. His father was Joseph I. Nellis, and his ancestors were among the first settlers in this section of the State. His mother was Magdelene Bellinger. Mr. Nellis was educated in the common schools and in Union college. For a time he was a clerk in the New York Postoffice, but resigned to study law with General Sanford of that city. In 1848 he went to California and returned with some gold. In 1847 he married Christ__ Nellis. Four children were born, two of whom survive, Abraham, jr., and Mrs. Joseph Duncan, both of Nelliston. In 1860 Mr. Nellis founded the village of Nelliston, which was named after him. He was a surveyor and laid out many roads in this section. He came to Palatine in 1855 and engaged in farming. He was instrumental in securing a free bridge between Fort Plain and Nelliston, which was the pioneer of free bridges across the Mohawk. Through his efforts a Postoffice was established here in 1884 and Mr. Nellis was the first Postmaster, serving four years. Mr. Nellis was married twice. His second wife died in 1895. He has held several political offices, aws (sic) a Republican and a member of Fort Plain lodge, F. and A. M. From The Evening Herald, January 26, 1900 (Syracuse NY). HERKIMER. DIED IN A HOTEL. MR. GROSVENOR FOUND IN THE
Was Rich, Prominent and a Mem- Special to The Herald: Herkimer, Jan. 26.- Thomas W. Grosvenor, one of the most prominent and wealthiest men of this village, was found dead in a room in the Butterfield House, Utica, this morning. When he went to bed last night he was in apparent good health, but as he did not respond to a call this morning, the door was forced open and his lifeless body was found. Mr. Grosvenor was 59 years old. For a number of years he was in the clothing business in Herkimer with his brother, Charles H.(?) Grosvenor. The partnership was dissolved some years ago and since then the affairs of Thomas W. Grosvenor have been looked after by Attorney W. C. Prescott of this village. He was a member of Herkimer Historical society, the Sons of the American Revolution and the American Mechanics. He is survived by his widow, two children, his mother, Mrs. M. E. Grosvenor, and one brother. Mr. Grosvenor was a wayward man and his habits were such as to get him in difficulties very often. Last spring he was arrested in New York for altering worthless checks at the Gilsey House. His relatives settled up the affair as had been in others before it. Mr. Grosvenor was sent to a sanitarium, where he remained till September, but when he came out he as as bad as ever and during the last few weeks he had been drinking heavily. His death was due to the excessive use of alcohol. From The Syracuse Herald, May 16, 1911, page 3. ILION. Ilion, May 16.- The funeral services of Mrs. Florence M. Waterman whose death occurred Saturday evening in this village were held at the home at 11 o'clock this morning and the remains were taken to Richfield springs for burial. Mrs. Waterman was born in Richfield _0 years ago. The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Coakley, widow of the late John Coakley, will be held at Dennison's Corners church at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Deceased was 68 years old. The funeral of Mrs. Ruben Hotaling will be held from the late home in Main street at _:30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Mrs. Hotaliang died at 12:40 o'clock Sunday, Aged 56 years. The funeral of William Conklin was held from the undertaking room of M. D. Angel at 9 o'clock and from Ava Maria church at 9:30 this morning. The remains were brought here from St. Louis. From the Syracuse Herald, March 29, 1911. SUDDEN DEATH AT HERKIMER. Herkimer- Mary Mary Griswold, wife of Cornelius R. Snell, one of the most highly esteemed residents of Herkimer expired suddenly yesterday afternoon while attending a meeting of the Ladies Aid society. RICH MAN A SUICIDE. Utica- Samuel __. Wheelock, _2 years of age, a wealthy cheesemaker of West Winfield, committed suicide yesterday afternoon. He had been melancholy for two weeks. Yesterday afternoon he went into a ravine near his home and fired a shot from a revolver into his brain. From the Syracuse Herald, October 12, 1915.
John Scanlon, 70, Well Known Rail- Tribes Hall (sic), Oct. 12.- John Scanlon, 70 years old, gave his life in an effort to save a sack of mail from the wheels of a train on the New York Central lines at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, just forty days after he was discharged from the service of the West Shore railroad because of old age. He was struck by a fast eastbound train and his skull was crushed. John Scanlon was one of the best known railroad men in the State. His son, John jr., was killed three years ago in the western part of the State when his train, the Twentieth Century Limited, was derailed. As the driver of Engine 999, John Scanlon jr., had won the reputation of the fastest engine driver on the New York Central, and he set the record which has made "Engine 999" the synonym for speed throughout the United States. John Scanlon, the father, had lived at Fort Hunter for thirty years and had been a section foreman on the West Shore since it was built until he was discharged forty days ago and placed on the pension list because of his age. He had been the mail carrier for this place and Fort Hunter since that time, and when he saw a sack of mail fall from a train on track 1 he attempted to save it. There was not time for him to escape the fast train, however, and he was hurled 100 yards to his death. From the Syracuse Herald, September 4, 1915. WELL-KNOWN MAN DEAD Ilion, Sept. 4.- At his home in North Third avenue occurred the death of Lorenzo A. Sloane, after a short illness. The deceased was 70 years of age and had been a resident of this village for nearly forty years. He was a member of the Carpenters' union of this village and also an esteemed member of the Royal Arcanum. His wife died about two years ago. He is survived by his son, Ralph; one daughter, Mrs. Wilson Groen, and two grandchildren; his sister, Mrs. M. E. Wilkerson, or Richfield Springs, and one brother, Orville Sloane of DeRuyter. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from his late home. Coffin & Related Family Obituaries. From the Syracuse Herald, March 1, 1904. The funeral of Cornelius Wessell was held from his late home in Orchard street yesterday afternoon. Syracuse Herald, March 1, 1904. WELL KNOWN CITIZEN. Death of James Allsten From Bright's Disease. ILION, March 1.- At his home in Rand street yesterday morning occurred the death of James Allsten from Brights disease. He was born in Ireland, February 8th, 1839, and came to this country in 1862, settling in Maldine Bridge, where he resided until about twenty-two years ago, when he moved to Ilion and had since made this village his home. For twelve years previous to his late illness he had been employed in the Remington Typewriter works. He is survived by three sons, ex-Assemblyman Samuel Allsten and Robert of this village and James of Detroit. One daughter, Mrs. C. H. Holt, with whom he made his home, also survives. The funeral will be held from the house Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the remains will be placed in the vault in Armory hill cemetery. From the Syracuse Herald, December 9, 1908. Mrs. Harry D. Schall Dead. Ilion, Dec. 9.- Mrs. John Taylor received news yesterday of the sudden death of Mrs. Harry D. Schall at her home in Palisade, N. J., which occurred Tuesday, December 1st. She was formerly Miss Lula Givens of Syracuse and was married to Mr. Schall about seven years ago. Mrs. Schall was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Taylor. From the Syracuse Herald, December 9, 1908. ILION. Robert D. Winegar, formerly of this village, died at Birmingham, Ala., December 3d after a long and painful illness. His mother was with him at the time of his death. Mr. Winegar was born in Ilion in May, 1869, was graduated from the Ilion High School and was a resident of the place until he went South in 1891. From the Syracuse Herald, July 16, 1908, page 3. LITTLE FALLS. Tommy Smith Dead. Little Falls, July 16.- Thomas H. Smith, familiarly known as "Tommy," died at the home of his father, Patrick Smith, in East John street, last evening. He was 32 years old. He had been ill for about six months, his death resulting from consumption. Mr. SMith formerly was a bartender in Syracuse and Auburn. Besides his parents, one sister, Miss Julia, survives. Syracuse Herald, January 18, 1908. Death From Diphtheria. Frankfort, Jan. 18.- Jean Xavier, 18-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Xavier, a French family that lives near the reservation, died last evening of diphtheria. The house has been quarantined by the health authorities. From the Syracuse Herald, July 16, 1908, page 3. This is being posted in case it might help someone. Death of Clockville Veteran. Canastota, July 16.- The death of Sylvanus Sylvester Ostrander, who fought with the One Hundred and Fifty-Seventh New York regiment in the Civil war, occurred at his home near Clockville yesterday at the age of 68 years. He is survived by his widow, by one son, and by two brothers, one of whom, Joseph Ostrander, lives at Minoa, while the other, Austin Ostrander, lives at Clockville. The funeral will be held at the house at noon to-morrow and at the Clockville church at 1 o'clock. Burial will be made in the soldiers' plot in Lenox Rural cemetery. Syracuse Herald, February 29, 1904, page 11. JAMES PARIS LEE Death of the Inventor of Rifle Adopted by ILION, Feb. 29.- At the home of his son, George, near New Haven, Conn., on Wednesday, occurred the death of James Paris Lee, inventor of the Lee-Remington and Lee-Enfield rifles and many other rifles which bear his name, in his seventy-first year. He was well known to the older residents of this village, where he lived for a number of years. At the time of his invention of the Lee-Remington rifle he came here about 1880 and worked on his invention until 1887. Shortly afterward he went to England, where the rifle of his invention was adopted by the British government. Mr. Lee had visited this village many times since his departure. Sudden Death. ILION, Feb. 29.- William Castor died suddenly at the Central hotel at 3:15 o'clock this morning. He had been employed as a carpenter and millwright in the Remington Typewriter works for some time. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Frank Williams, Nellie Castor of Mohawk, and one married daughter in Dolgeville. The remains were taken to Mohawk this afternoon, and to-morrow morning will be taken to Dolgeville, where the funeral will be held Wednesday. Death of James Allston. ILION, Feb. 29.- James Allston of Rand street died at 10:30 A. M. to-day. He was born in Ireland, February 8th, 1830/39(?), came to Maiden Bridge, Columbia county, in 1862, and lived there until 1883, when he came to Ilion. He leaves three sons, James of Detroit, Mich., Robert, and Samuel of Ilion; also a daughter, Mrs. O. H. Holt. He was employed by A. M. Ross & Company and later by the Typewriter company. He had been ill three years with Bright's disease. Syracuse Herald, August 28, 1911, page 3. BANK TELLER DEAD
Arthur Rhodes of Dolgeville, in Little Falls, Aug. 28,- Arthur Rhodes, teller of the First National bank of Dolgeville, this county, committed suicide by shooting near the home of his mother in Cold Brook last night. He was taking the first vacation he had had in three yeas and was visiting his mother. Yesterday Mr. Rhodes borrowed a revolver from Supervisor Conradt, an old friend, saying that he wanted to kill some cats. This morning his body was found in a field near his mother's home. There was a bullet hole through his head and the revolver lay by his side. Mr. Rhodes was a prominent Republican and Mason. He is survived by his widow. Ill health is the only cause assigned for the suicide. Syracuse Herald, September 26, 1913, page 24.
FORMER OSWEGO PASTOR Little Falls, Sept. 26.- The Rev. F. L. Knapp, pastor of the M. E. church at Dolgeville, died at the Little Falls hospital at 10:10 last night, following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Knapp was brought to the hospital several days ago. He was operated upon by Dr. Glass of Utica, assisted by Dr. Gadder (?) of Little Falls. He rallied after the operation, but unforseen (sic) complications developed. Mr. Knapp was 46 years old and was assigned to Dolgeville last April by the Northern New York conference, being transferred to the church at that place from Trinity church, Oswego. He leaves his widow and three children, Mrs. Anderson of Washington, D. C., Burge Knapp of Sherburne, and Miss Ruth Knapp of Dolgeville. The remains were removed to Dolgeville in the morning and the funeral will be held there. The news of his death will be learned with profound sorrow in that village and in the places of his former labor. Syracuse Herald, November 24, 1913, page 16. Deaths in Herald Parrish. Mrs. Mary Kapler, 78, Ilion. Mrs. James Roach, Little Falls. Mrs. B. Van Vliet Putnam, Dolgeville. FORMERLY LIVED HERE.
Mrs. B. Van Vliet Putnam Dies at Dolgeville, Nov. 24.- Mrs. B. Van Vliet Putnam, wife of the pastor of the Presbyterian church of this village, died at her home here yesterday afternoon after an illness of five months. Mrs. Putnam was the daughter of the Rev. Allen Wightman of Bergen, Genesee county. She was married to Mr. Putnam in 1882. They began their life together at Huntington, Long Island, going from there to Canastota, and then to Syracuse, residing there about five years and coming here a few months ago. Besides the husband the relatives who survive are one daughter, Ida Elaine Putnam, who is a teacher in the English department of the Cortland High school, and a son, Ronald, who is a student at Syracuse university; also a sister, Miss May Wightman, and a mother, Mrs. Allen Wightman of Pittsburg. Syracuse Herald, December 17, 1913. Deaths in Herald Parish. John Eisenlord, Herkimer. Syracuse Herald, November 4, 1913. Deaths in Herald Parish.Mrs. Frank J. Loucks, 47, Dolgeville. Charles Davis, 60 (?), Little Falls. The Syracuse Herald, Saturday, Dec. 28, 1907, page 3. Death of William Schrell. Canajoharie, Dec. 28.- William Schrell died at his home, near this village on Thursday. Mr. Schrell suffered a stroke of paralysis a few days ago, from which he never rallied. He was born in Germany sixty-nine years ago and had lived near this village for a number of years, where he was a well-known broom-maker. He is survived by two sons, Edward and William, and one daughter, Mrs. John Hime of Palatine Bridge. The funeral will be held from his late home to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. J. A. Reichardt will conduct the service. Funeral of Darius A. Hill Herkimer, Dec. 28.- The funeral of Darius A. Hill was held from his home at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. Dempster Chase, formerly of the Baptist church, but now pastor of the Centenary church, Utica, officiated. Members of Aaron Helmer post, G. A. R., and about forty members of the County Veterans' association attended. The Syracuse Herald, August 11, 1908. Dead Man Identified. Frankfort, Aug. 11.- The body of the man who fell from a horse car on the Central near this station has been identified as that of Laughlin McLean of Calais, Me., a horseman. McLean at one time drove in the Grand circuit and later in the New York State circuit. He was at the New York State fair in Syracuse two years ago. The Syracuse Herald, January 17, 1911. DROPPED DEAD AT DOLGEVILLE. Dolgeville.- Horace Suter(?) of this place dropped dead of heart disease yesterday in the highway near Salisbury Center. He was a native of Richfield Springs, and 68 years old. EUGENE SHULTS DEAD. Canajoharie.- Eugene Shults, brother of William Shults of this village, died yesterday in the Littauer hospital in Gloversville. The deceased was the youngest son of John N. Shults, a resident of this place for many years. Syracuse Herald, Jan. 22, 1905, page 22. Death of Mrs. M. M. Jacobson. Ilion, Jan. 21.- Mrs. Marietta M. Jacobson, mother of Mrs. Jay Getman of this village, died at the home of her daughter in Morgan street at 9 o'clock last night after an illness of two weeks from pleuro-pneumonia and Bright's disease. Mrs. Jacobson was born in the town of Fairfield seventy five years ago and at the age of 15 (?) years was married to D. V. R. Jacobson. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson moved to Mohawk. About eighteen years ago Mr. Jacobson passed away and Mrs. Jacobson continued to reside in Mohawk until about seven years ago, when she removed to Ilion with her daughter and has since resided here. Mrs. Getman is the only surviving child, one son having died some time ago. Two brothers, A. L. Harris and W. H. Harris of Newport, and two grandchildren, Fred Getman of this village and Everet Jacobson of Herkimer, also survive. The funeral will be held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Getman in Morgan street at 2 P. M. Monday and burial will be made in the Mohawk cemetry. Syracuse Herald, Jan. 21, 1905, page 3. Fort Plain. Joshua Vedder died at his home in Nelliston yesterday morning, aged 81 years, after an illness of but a few days. Mr. Vedder was a well known resident and had been engaged in the hat and cap business in this village for forty years. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. J. K. Edwards and Mrs. W. H. Snyder of this village, and one son, Arthur, of Nelliston. The funeral will be held from his lae home Monday afernoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. H. C. Willoughby will officiate. Mrs. Rufus Lite died at her home in Virginia, Sunday, aged 73 years. She was a formerly a resident of this village and the funeral will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joel Fuller, this afternoon. She is survived by four sons and two daughters. The Syracuse Herald, March 13, 1911. INSTANTLY KILLED. Canajoharie.- Jacob Eddy, for many years driver on the stage between Batchellerville and Northville, was killed by being thrown from a cutter in which he was driving. His head struck against a stone, crushing the skull and causing instant death, it is believed. He was 70 years old. DEAD AT AGE 101. Little Falls.- Mrs. Mary Keefe, the oldest resident of this city, died here yesterday, aged 101 years. Pneumonia was the cause of death. She retained her faculties to the last and was able to read without the aid of glasses. The Syracuse Herald, April 1, 1914. MINISTER'S BODY BOYS DISCOVER DROWNING AT CANANDAIGUA. THE REV. GEROGE DAVIS
Aged Canajoharie Clergyman Had Canandaigua, April 1.- Considerable mystery surrounds the death of the Rev. George Davis, aged seventy years, whose body was found in two feet of water in the Canandaigua lake feeder near the Hollis brick yard late yesterday. Coroner Alfred W. Armstrong had the body removed to the morgue and at once took steps to get into communication with the man's relatives. Mr. Davis had been a patient at the Clifton Springs sanatorium for some time James Albert Norton and James Carey, jr., boys who were playing along the feeder, were attracted by a shiny object in shallow water. Investigation developed that the sun's rays on the man's bald head caused the brightness. Both boys were frightened and ran away. They met Bert Johnson, who was working nearby. He waded into the water and with the assistance of William Snyder brought the body to shore. Identified by Letters. In the man's pockets were found numerous letters bearing the address: "Rev. George Davis, care of the Sanatorium, Clifton Springs, N.Y." Many of these letters were from Canajoharie. There was also a check book issued by the Canajoharie National bank. On stubs were notations showing that since early last fall checks for substantial amounts had been drawn against an account in the Canajoharie bank. The last check was drawn on March 4th. Among the letters was a notice of a meeting sent out to the Rev. George Davis by Union college at Schenectady. A gold filled open-face watch was running when the coroner took it from a vest pocket. It then registered 1 o'clock. It is evident from the letters that the man had been at the sanatorium for several weeks. There was also found a memorandum showing that he settled his account with the sanatorium last Saturday. May Have Fallen In. It is not known how Mr. Davis happened to be in Canandaigua. The fact that his watch was running leads Coroner Armstrong to believe that the man had not been in the water more than twenty-four hours. The theory is advanced that he wandered to Lake street and either fell or jumped off the feeder bridge into the water. Canandaigua lake is high at this time and the flow over the feeder dam is of great volume. It is supposed the body was carried down the stream and became caught on some roots in the shallow water. The Syracuse Herald, December 29, 1913. ATTACK PROVES FATAL. Herkimer Man Dies of Blow Received in Fight. Herkimer, Dec. 29.- The man known as Alex Toms who was attacked at Hinckley the evening of December 14th, and was later brought to the hospital at the County home, died Saturday at that institution. Because of the circumstances of the case Coroner Dr. Cyrus Kay was called and he directed that an autopsy be performed, this being done by Dr. F. H. Peck. It was found that death had been caused by a blood clot on the head over the right ear and this was induced from an external blow. Toms was about 30 years old. The Syracuse Herald, April 21, 1909, page 3. DEWITT JOHNSON DEAD IN BED He Was Sheriff of Montgomery County Dewitt C. Johnson, for six years Sheriff of Montgomery county under a Democratic administration, was found dead in bed this morning by his granddaughter, Mrs. Grace Johnson Reah, with whom he lived at No. 21 The Lyndon. Mr. Johnson was 85 years old and was a retired hotelkeeper of Fonda. He retired last evening in his usual health. He had been for some years a sufferer from a cancer in his face. Besides his granddaughter he is survived by two nephews, United States Marshall William Thompson of Elmira and Johnson Bingham, State librarian at Des Moines, Ia. The Syracuse Herald, Monday November 2, 1908. SUDDENLY SUMMONED. Orlando Abeling of Canajoharie Found Dead in Bed. Frankfort, Nov. 2.- Orlando Abeling of Canajoharie, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Schultz of George street, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. He was in his usual health Saturday night when he retired and had not complained of feeling ill. When he was discovered Dr. Hayes was summoned and he notified Coroner Getman, who later authorized an examination by Drs. Hayes and Albones. It was determined that death had resulted from acute heart disease. Mr. Abeling was about 64 years of age and is survived by his daughter and two sons. The remains will be taken to Canajoharie for burial on Wednesday. From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday, May 30, 1908, page 3. Abner B. Crosby Dead. Frankfort, May 30.- The death of Abner B. Crosby, a well known resident of this village, occurred at his home in West Main street yesterday afternoon. Mr. Crosby was born in Herkimer in 1837, but for the last fifty years had lived in this place. He followed the occupation of a trapper, being about the only one in this vicinity. He is survived by his widow, Phoebe Ann Crosby, two daughters, Mrs. Ada Johnson of Utica and Mrs. Emma Furtaugh of Herkimer, and one brother, Augustus H. Crosby of Canada. Mrs. Mary J. Hodge Dead. Herkimer, May 30.- Mrs. Mary Jane Hodge died last evening at her home in King street. For many years she conducted a bakery in this village. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Clinton H. Early, and a brother in Utica. From The Syracuse Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1911, page 14. DEATH CAUSED BY RARE DISEASE Little Falls, May 31.- Last night at about 7 o'clock Dr. ___ W. Vickers was summoned to the home of Lawrence Rich on Southern avenue, and arrived just as Mr. Rich was breathing his last. Dr. Vickers had been attending him for several months. He was afflicted with a very rare disease called hodgkins, an inflammation of the glands of the neck. The glands had become so swollen that they pressed against the windpipe, causing him to choke to death. The deceased was born in Germany 60 years ago, coming to this country whwen a young man. From The Syracuse Herald, Saturday, May 29, 1909, page 10. ILION. ELEVATOR VICTIM DEAD. Edward Flint, Who Met With Accident, Ilion, May 23.- At 8:40 last evening, at his home at No. 111 East Clark street occurred the death of Edward Flint, who was seriously injured by being crushed in an elevator accident at the Remington Typewriter works Tuesday. His injuries were found to be very serious, his shoulder blades broken, his left side crushed, including three broken ribs, also internal injuries. His condition was considered serious, but still slight hopes were entertained until pneumonia developed Thursday, since which he had failed rapidly. Mr. Flint was born in the town of Columbia, May 3d, 1861, but had lived most of his life in this village, where in March 1885, he was married to Miss Margaret O'Brien of this village, who survives, as do also two half brothers, Charles T. and George Yoemans of this village. FRANKFORT. The Rev. F. K. Pierce Dead. Frankfort, May 29.- The Rev. F. K. Pierce, a well known retired Methodist minister, who served in the Northern New York Conference for twenty-five years, died suddenly at his home, Valley View, Minott, in the town of Schuyler, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in his seventy-eighth year. He was sowing grass seed in a field near his home, when he was stricken and died almost immediately. Coroner Getman of Frankfort was summoned and declared death to be due to natural causes. He is survived by his widow and two sons, Frank M. Pierce of Dolgeville and Edwin B. Pierce of North Ilion. The funeral will probably be held Monday. The Syracuse Herald, Tuesday, May 30, 1911, page 12. DEATHS IN THE HERALD'S PARISH Herkimer - Mrs. George V. Knapp. Mrs. Harty Millington's death notice comes from The Syracuse Herald, January 5, 1905, page 3. Mrs. Harty L. Millington Herkimer, Jan. 5.- At 12:30 yesterday at the home of her son, C. S. Millington, occurred the death of Mrs. Harty Lamberson Millington, widow of the late Dr. Stephen Millington of Poland. Mrs. Millington was 79 years old. Heart disease was the cause of death. The funeral will be held Saturday at 11 o'clock from the house and the remains will be taken to Poland for burial. Note: in the 1900 census, Harty L. Millington (age 74, one child, one living) resided in the Town of Russia with her widowed sister Mary Phelps (age 84, two children, none living), and widower Mary S. Lockard, age 60 and a servant. Two short Canajoharie death notices from The Syracuse Herald, February 29, 1904, page 3. Miss Emily St. John CANAJOHARIE, Feb. 29.- Miss Emily St. John died at her home in Otsego street Friday night, aged 83 years. She was a member of theMethodist church and among its most liberal supporters. Mrs. Michael Griffin died Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at her home in this village after an illness of several weeks, aged 45 years. She is survived by her husband and one son, John, of Rome. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning from St. Peter and Pauls church. Burial will be made in the Catholic cemetery. Two short death notices found by Lisa Slaski!
Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette Montgomery County Henry Fink, the German lad, aged 15, at Fort Hunter, whose hand was so badly lacerated in a broom corn machine a few days ago, died from lockjaw. Herkimer County Mrs. Eliza A. Benedict, for many years postmistress at Danube, Herkimer county, died at her residence, last Sunday morning. George W. Boyd's death notice was contributed by Lisa Slaski! Hamilton County News, July 1-15, 1901 (reprint from the 1970s) George W. Boyd, 33, formerly of Amsterdam, but for the past three years a resident of Speculator, died on Tuesday, July 2, 1901, from tubercular meningitis of the brain after a short illness. He was survived by his widow, two children, his father, and one brother, Charles, of New York City. The remains were taken to Amsterdam for burial. Camilla Quackenbush Cristman's death notice was found by Lisa Slaski!
The Journal and Republican, Lowville Mrs. Franklin W. Cristman Wife of Ex-Senator From This District Passes On at the Age of 49 Mrs. Camilla Quackenbush, wife of ex-Senator Franklin W. Cristman, of Herkimer, died Saturday night at her late home, after an illness of several months. She was born in Herkimer, January 9, 1876, daughter of Henry M. Quackenbush and the late Emily E. Wood. She was married to F. W. Cristman September 23, 1903?. Her entire life was spent in Herkimer. In 1893 she was graduated from the Herkimer high school and attended Dana Hall Boston, until called home by the illness of her mother. Later she attended Syracuse University and graduated from that institution with an M. D. Degree in 1903. She was a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta and Zeta Phi sororities. She was prominently identified with many local organizations. She is survived by her father, her husband, one son, two brothers and one sister.
Descendants of Franklin W. Cristman Hilts connection: 3rd great grandson of Johann Nicholas and Catharina (Hilts) Kilts. Generation No. 1 1. FRANKLIN W.7 CRISTMAN (JAMES6, HARVEY5, GEORGE FREDERICK4, FREDERICK3 CHRISTMAN, JACOB2, JOHANNES "JOHN"1) was born 11 Jan 1869 in Columbia, Herkimer County, New York, and died 03 Aug 1942 (Source: The Mohawk Valley Rasbachs and Allied Families. By Hazel Patrick..). He married (1) CAMILLA QUACKENBUSH 23 Sep 1903 (Source: Genealogical and family history of northern New York. William Richard Cutter.), daughter of HENRY QUACKENBUSH and EMILY WOOD. She was born 09 Mar 1876 in Herkime Village, Herkimer County, New York (Source: Genealogical and family history of northern New York. William Richard Cutter.), and died 25 Jul 1925 (Source: The Mohawk Valley Rasbachs and Allied Families. By Hazel Patrick.). He married (2) MAUDE ELIZABETHRASBACH 03 Oct 1928 (Source: The Mohawk Valley Rasbachs and Allied Families. By Hazel Patrick.), daughter of CLARENCE RASBACH and BELLE MOOT. She was born 1875 in New York, and died Aft. Apr 1930. Notes for FRANKLIN W. CRISTMAN: Herkimer County in the World War 1916 to 1918, compiled by Franklin W. Cristman. AUTHORS: Cristman, Franklin W. (Franklin Webster), b. 1869. Franklin W. Cristman, Chairman of Herkimer County Home Defense Committee. Press of The Journal & Courier Co., Little Falls, N.Y. 1927. source: unknown. Cristman, Franklin W. - of Herkimer, Herkimer County, N.Y. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Herkimer County, 1914; member of New York state senate 32nd District, 1915-16; Independent-Republican candidate for U.S. Senator from New York, 1926. Burial location unknown. source: The Political Graveyard. A NATIONAL REGISTER OF THE SOCIETY SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. page 764. FRANKLIN W. CRISTMAN, Herkimer, N. Y. (14476). Son of James and Catharine (Steele) Cristman; grandson of Harvey and Nancey (Fulmer) Cristman; great-grandson of George F. and Mary Bell Cristman; great2-grandson of Frederick Cristman, private New York Militia; grandson of James and Elizabeth (Spohn) Steele; great-grandson of John and Elizabeth (Hess) Spohn; great2-grandson of Nicholas Spohn, private New York Militia; great-grandson of George and Catherine (Witherstine) Fulmer; great2-grandson of John Witherstine, private Third Regt New York Continental Line; great2-grandson of Conrad Fulmer, private New York Militia; great2-grandson of Conrad and Margaret (Frank) Hess; great3-grandson of Timothy Frank, Second Lieutenant New York Militia. [p.764] The adherents of aridity in the state with the largest population last week fell to quarreling among themselves over the best way to prevent the re-election of Wet Senator James W. Wadsworth. A small but earnest group of old-time reformers had gathered in a Methodist office building in Manhattan as the revived Prohibition Party to nominate one Franklin W. Cristman, banker-lawyer, as well as candidates for state offices (TIME, June 21). Other Drys, notably the local branch of the Anti-Saloon League, were vexed. They had already planned the gesture of nominating Mr. Cristman by securing 500,000 citizens' signatures (instead of the paltry 12,000 needed). It took a loud, emphatic speech by a W. C. T. U. Vice-President to convince the oldtime Prohibitionists that as a matter of "practical politics," Mr. Cristman must be allowed to run as an independent Republican. Source: Monday, Jul. 05, 1926, Time in partnership with CNN, free archive search. Last week a revived prohibition party nominated one Franklin W. Cristman, a Methodist banker and lawyer, in hope of taking enough votes away from Wadsworth in Dry regions to defeat him. Source: Monday, Jun. 21, 1926, Time in partnership with CNN, free archive search. More About FRANKLIN W. CRISTMAN: Census 1: Jun 1915, Herkimer, Herkimer County, New York Notes for CAMILLA QUACKENBUSH: The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Volume 18, page 39 Child of FRANKLIN CRISTMAN and CAMILLA QUACKENBUSH is: 2. i. MARX QUACKENBUSH8 CRISTMAN, b. 19 Dec 1909, Herkimer, Herkimer County, New York; d. 08 Apr 2005, Little Falls Hospital, Herkimer County, New York. Generation No. 2 2. MARX QUACKENBUSH8 CRISTMAN (FRANKLIN W.7, JAMES6, HARVEY5, GEORGE FREDERICK4, FREDERICK3 CHRISTMAN, JACOB2, JOHANNES "JOHN"1) was born 19 Dec 1909 in Herkimer, Herkimer County, New York (Source: The Evening Telegram, April 11, 2005), and died 08 Apr 2005 in Little Falls Hospital, Herkimer County, New York (Source: The Evening Telegram, April 11, 2005). He married BESS ROBERTS TEMPLETON 1935 (Source: Obituary- The Evening Telegram, April 11, 2005). She was born 08 Jan 1909, and died 10 Oct 1994 (Source: Social Security Index). More About MARX QUACKENBUSH CRISTMAN: Thank you to Charlott Jones for contributing this out-of-state obit!
The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, Oregon Death of H. K. Hines Dr. H. K. Hines died at his residence in University Park, January 19, 1902, of grip, rheumatism and complications. H. K. Hines, D.D., the youngest of 12 children of James and Betsey (Round/Rounds) Hines was born in Herkimer County, New York in 1828. He was a brother of Gustavus Hines, a well known Oregon missionary. His ancestral line of his mother's side, clearly traced back to Edward of England, through Lawrence Wilkinson, from whom Mr. Hines was the fourth decendant. His grandfather, Bertrum Round, was an ensign and lieutenant in the revolutionary war. On his father's side he was a decendant of the Hopkinses of Rhode Island, and of the Church's of Massachusetts, who came from England in Governor Winthrops fleet in 1863 and landed at Plymouth. His early life was spent in Oswego county, New York to which his family immigrated when he was three years of age. In his fourteenth year he joined the church, and before he was sixteen he was licensed to preach. In December 1852, he was transferred by Bishop Waugh to the Oregon conference and the following summer crossed the plains with an ox team, reaching Portland, Oregon on October 3, 1853 to which charge he had been appointed by Bishop Ames at the first session of the Oregon annual conference. As presiding elder, he had charge of all the state of Washington, nearly all of the Oregon and Idaho, and his travels over them made him widely known personally without doubt than any other minister in the Pacific Northwest. He represented the 13th general conference district, in the general missionary and church extention committees of the Methodist - Episcopal church from 1876 to 1888 and on the resignation of J. H. Wilbur from the same committee in 1886 he was elected by the board of bishops to succeed him, thus making six years service therein. Dr. Hines was also quite active in political life. During the days of the succession he was one of the staunch supporters of the Union and delivered the first political speech coming from ministers on the coast. He was territorial council of Washington and a member of the legislature during the sessions of 1864 and 1866. In 1876 he was a delegate to the national convention at Cincinnatti, which nominated R. B. Hayes for president. In 1878 he was republican candidate for congress from this state. Dr. Hines was married at Wyoming, New York in 1852, to Elizabeth J. Graves. She was an able helper in all missionary work, and by her personal effort and enthusiasm organized the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Oregon, of which she was the first president. She was well and favorably known through out the state for her many deeds of kindness and charity. She died in January 1889, leaving a berieved husband and two children, James A. and Lua A. The latter now the wife of C. K. Cranston. Dr. Hines was also a professor of the theological department of the Portland University. His years of faithful work have been of great service and have been marked by ability, industry, constancy and effectiveness. His capabilities for hard work in both the study and field supplemented his ability in the pulpit and the promise of his early years was full filled. The whole field covered by the labors and the variety of the work to which he had been called, enabled him to an extent given but to a few to impress himself for the good of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the empire of the Northwest. (I am in no way related to this family, though my own family in New York were in some areas closely involved with the Round/Rounds family.) 7/13/08 More obituaries for this immediate Hines familiy were graciously provided by Hal Peters! I was pleased to see the posting of the obituary for H.K. Hines at the Herkimer Co. website. Hines was one of my third great granduncles, and I am currently conducting research for a biography. Recently, last February, The Patrice Press, www.patricepress.com, published my book, Seven Months to Oregon: 1853, which covers the long journey by several Hines families from their native New York to Oregon. Transcribed from the Pacific Christian Advocate, 25 Dec., 1873, by H.J. Peters, third great grandnephew of Gustavus Hines. Rev. Gustavus Hines Rev. Gustavus Hines was born in the town of Winfield, Herkimer county, New York, September 16, A.D. 1809. During his last illness, in a sketch of his life, conversion and call to the ministry, written in his own hand, he says of his conversion: "This important event took place on the evening of November 29, 1827. Conviction for sin was long, deep and pungent, counting many days of grief and nights of anguish by the pulsations of a deeply sorrowful and penitent heart. But at length while praying in the agony of despair, as quick as the spark from the smitten steel, the blessing came and the language of praise glowed upon my lips." On the following day, November 30, at a Thursday prayer and classmeeting, conducted by Rev. Ephraim Hall, he was received as a probationer in the M.E. Church. In the sketch of his life alluded to, he says: "Concomitant with my conversion was my call to the ministry; and if the evidence of my conversion was clear and satisfactory, that of a call to preach the Gospel was truly overwhelming, yet for four long years I was disobedient to the heavenly vision." He was licensed to preach by the quarterly conference of the Franklinville circuit, Genesee Conference, New York, in 1832, and was employed by the Presiding Elder during the remainder of that year, and being recommended by the same quarterly conference, he was received on trial by the Genesee Conference in 1833 and appointed junior preacher to the old Bridgway circuit, Genesee District, Michael Leager, P.E. In 1834 he was returned as preacher in charge. In 1835 he was stationed at Niagara circuit; in 1836 at Otto; in 1837 at the Lodi, now Gowanda station; and in 1838 at the Pike station. In 1839 a call was made through the public journals for missionaries to Oregon, to which he responded in a letter to Bishop Hedding, and immediately received from him an appointment to that work. Soon after he was released from the responsibilities of his charge, and in three weeks was ready to leave for his distant field. In company with what was known as "the great reinforcement to Oregon," he left New York on the 9th of October, 1839, and after a voyage of nearly eight months, landed at Vancouver June 1, 1840. Oregon was then an Indian mission and the object of his appointment was to labor among the Indians. His first appointment was among the Umpqua Indians in Southern Oregon, but after exploring the field in company with Rev. Jason Lee, Superintendent, it was decided not to attempt the establishment of a mission among those Indians at that time. At the next Mission Conference, which was in 1841, he was appointed Superintendent of the Oregon Mission Manual Labor School and preacher in charge at Chemeketa, now Salem. This was the first regular appointment at Salem, and he organized the First Methodist Episcopal Church at that place in 1841. He remained in charge of school and circuit until 1843, when in company with Mr. Lee, he started to return to New York. On reaching Sandwich Islands, he found much changes had taken place in the appointments and management of the Mission as would justify his returning to Oregon, and in May, 1844, he was sent to Oregon City as preacher in charge of a large circuit. Here he remained until the autumn of 1845, when Rev. George Gary, the then Superintendent of the Mission, feeling that the labors of both were not required in the Mission, offered Brother Hines the choice of either remaining as Superintendent of the Mission or of returning to New York. He decided to return, and accordingly in November he embarked for the Sandwich Islands [and] by way of China and South Africa, reaching New York in May, 1846, resuming his place in the Genesee Conference, of which he had been a member during his absence. In September, 1847 [actually 1846], he was appointed to Victor station; in 1847 and 1848 to Pike station; 1849, Covington; 1850 and 1851, Lancaster; 1852, Spencerport. In December, 1852, he was transferred to the Oregon Conference by Bishop Waugh, and in the summer of 1853 crossed the plains with an ox team, reaching Portland in October. His appointment for that year was on the Vancouver and Dalles circuit; in 1854, Salem; in 1855, Columbia River District, where he labored four years; in 1859, Albany and Lebanon. From this period he was engaged in the regular work in Oregon as Presiding Elder and preacher in charge until elected to the General Conference of 1868, at which time he published his History of Oregon. On his return from the General Conference he was sent to the Dalles and then to Oregon City, where a little over two years ago he was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs which terminated in consumption, placing him on the superannuated list in 1871. Throughout his illness, perfect peace and resignation to the will of God was always expressed when conversing with friends. On his spiritual horizon rested no cloud, and often a realizing sense of Divine presence caused a deep anxiety to depart and be with Christ. From Thursday, the 4th of December, his sufferings were intense until the 9th, when at eleven o'clock and fifteen minutes, he put off his earthly tabernacle and in the foremost rank of laborers in the vineyard there was one less, and one more in the rest of Heaven. His funeral was preached in the hall of the Willamette University, by the writer, from Deut. xxii, 48-50 and to the Mission Cemetery, followed by his wife and only child, with many weeping friends, we carried to rest the last remains of Gustavus Hines, who has left behind an unblemished character and made a deep and lasting impression upon the institutions of Oregon. I. D. Driver Note: Deut. xxii has only 30 verses. As pointed out by Mike McKenzie, this evidently should be Deut. xxxii, in which chapter the verses 48-50 tell of the death and funeral of Moses: 32:48 And the LORD spake unto Moses that selfsame day, saying, 32:49 Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession: 32:50 And die in the mount whither thou goest up, and be gathered unto thy people; as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people. For the most accessible copy of this obituary, see Seven Months to Oregon: 1853, Harold J. Peters, Ed., Tooele, Utah: Patrice Press, 2008, pp. 344-349. Transcribed from the Pacific Christian Advocate, Vol. XVI. No. 14, 2 Apr., 1870, by H.J. Peters, third great grandnephew of Gustavus Hines. Outlines of the life of Mrs. Lydia Hines She was born in Winfield, Herkimer Co., N.Y., March 27th, 1811. She was the daughter of Royal Bryant, Esq., and connected with the large family of Bryants in Massachusetts. Her father and mother were both praying people, and noted in community for their ardent and uniform piety. These traits of character led them to commence the moral and religious training of their children in early infancy, and continue it so long as they remained under the paternal roof. As a result they had the satisfaction of seeing all their children walking in the ways of religion. Though often concerned for her spiritual welfare, the subject of this memoir did not receive permanent religious impressions until she arrived to maturity. She was fully awakened to a sense of her spiritual destitution in 1828 under the labors of Rev. Ephraim Hall, of precious memory; and after passing through a most severe struggle in breaking away from the gay world, at the shrine of whose pleasures she had been an ardent devotee, in September of that year, she bowed before the family altar at which her father and mother were knelt, and besought them to pray for her. The prayer of faith at once ascended to the throne, and while in the fullness of her agonizing heart she was repeating the words of Dr. Watts: In this capacity, the following are the outlines of her travels. Beginning with the Franklinville circuit, Genesee Conference, in Western New York, the next field of labor was the old Ridgeway circuit, 100 miles northward; the next Pekin, Erie Co., embracing Niagara Falls; from thence to Otto, Cattaraugus Co.; and then in the following year to Lodi, and the next to Pike village in Wyoming Co. On each of these fields of labor there were extensive revivals, in each of which she took an active and very efficient part. During her seven years residence on these fields of labor she witnessed the conversion of about 600 souls, and in counsel, exhortation, and altar work, was perhaps the most successful laborer employed. Besides this, possessing the rare faculty of adapting herself to circumstances, she was remarkably popular with all classes of people among whom she was called to move. Early in the spring of 1839 she was called upon to endure perhaps the most severe trial of her life; the severing of all ties that bound her to the land of her nativity, the committal of herself to the treacherous storms of ocean, and in connection with others, to seek, as a missionary, a far distant home on the then almost unknown shores of the great Pacific. A few months were employed in visiting her friends and bidding them what she then supposed her last adieu. This accomplished, with her husband, she then repaired to New York city, and the evening of Oct. 9th, 1839 found her for the first time on the deck of a ship. Nearly eight months of ocean life, during which she was permitted to look in upon Brazil, Chili, and the Sandwich Islands, acquainted her with the lights and shadows of a sea voyage in a crowded vessel, of 2,200 [must have been more - perhaps 22,000?] miles. June 1st, 1840 found her at Vancouver, and exchanging the ship Lausanne for a Chinook canoe, by which craft the waters of Oregon were then navigated, she arrived on the 15th of the same month at the old Mission stand, situated ten miles below the present city of Salem. Early in the spring of 1841 it was her lot to occupy a small shanty located near what is called the "old parsonage" in said city, and thus she had the honor of being the first white woman that lived in the original precincts of the present Capital of the State of Oregon. Thrown as she was into the midst of savages, and often witnessing evidences of their hostile dispositions, and hearing of their murderous designs, she entertained at times great fear that she and her family would yet fall victims to savage fury, and the more so as she now had under her protection a young and helpless sister. One day, at the dusk of evening, in the fall of the year, while the neighborhood was agitated by rumors of Indian outbreaks, there appeared immediately in front of the parsonage 12 mounted savages of the Molalla tribe, painted and accoutred in the most hideous and frightful manner, and rushing up into the very dooryard, all dismounted, giving evidence at the same time that their visit was not friendly. Mr. H. went out to meet them, and approaching the one who appeared to be their leader, offered him his hand in token of friendship. He refuse the proffered signal, and immediately the whole band set up a horrid laugh. This demonstration of hostility so alarmed Mrs. Hines that she resolved to take her little sister, and if possible, effect her escape to a house on the north side of Mill Creek, now North Salem, occupied by the families of Messrs. L. H. Judson and James Olley, the only house within many miles. She took a circuitous route for a distance down the little stream running in the rear of the parsonage, so as to keep from the sight of the Indians as long as possible. Sometimes leading little Julia by the hand and at others lifting her in her arms, she struck across the prairie northward, struggling through the tall grass with her precious burden, while expecting every moment to be pursued and feel the violent hand of a savage laid upon her. On reaching the creek, not daring to extend her flight to a foot bridge a short distance below, she dashed straight through the current, bearing her sister in her arms. Not being pursued, she gained the house in safety, and collecting all the adult persons belonging to the families, she returned with them through the darkness to look after the fate of her husband. The savages had in the meantime encamped in [the] rear of the parsonage, where they remained quietly for a few hours, and then before daylight decamped, bearing with them as booty some provisions and a valuable horse, the property of Mr. H. Here was the scene of Mrs. Hines' cares and labors to Dec. 1843. In the spring of 1842, by the death of Mrs. Jason Lee, their infant daughter, but three weeks old, was taken by Mrs. Hines from the bed where its mother, just deceased, still reposed, and conveyed to her own home. This was the providence which resulted subsequently, when Mr. Lee was on his dying bed, in his full commitment of this beloved daughter to her sole guardianship and training during the period of her minority. For reasons which need not be inserted in this sketch, Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Hines and family, left Oregon in Feb. 1844, intending to proceed to the Eastern States. But on arriving at Honolulu it was found that there was no vessel which would sail for any of the Atlantic ports for several months. It was however ascertained that a small Hawaiian schooner about to sail for San Blas, on the coast of Mexico, would take one person on board. And Mr. Lee being exceedingly anxious to proceed, took passage in hope of being able in some way to get from Mexico to New York: while Mr. Hines and family, including Mr. Lee's daughter, decided to return to Oregon. It was here, on the Island of Oahu, in the midst of the solitudes of the great Pacific, and after the little company had spent a whole night in prayerful solicitude, without any prospect of ever meeting again this side of Heaven, that Mrs. Hines received more fully the important charge committed to her by Mr. Lee. It was on the 28th of Feb., 1844, that with flowing tears and words of tenderest sympathy and love Mrs. Hines received the daughter from the arms of the weeping father, and made a solemn pledge before Heaven, that all a mother could do for a daughter she would do, God being her helper, for the motherless child that then in her heart of hearts she adopted as her own. Mr. Lee never saw his child again, and she was never separated from that second mother until a few days since, when that mother took her flight to Heaven. According to arrangement Mrs. Hines with her family returned again to Oregon, and arrived at Oregon City the last of April. Residing there for the best part of two years, she was remarkably active in Church interests, but especially in searching out the destitute among the emigrants who crossed the plains, and in affording the needed relief. During the years 1844-5, in company with her husband, she visited every portion of Oregon then occupied by whites, for Missionary purposes, traveling on horseback and in canoes. In September 1845, for reasons that need not be here appended, it became the duty of Mrs. Hines to leave Oregon again and return to the States. Accordingly, she with Mr. H. and their two adopted daughters bade a second adieu to the wooded mountains of Oregon, and on the Brig Chenamus performed another voyage to the Sandwich Islands, where they arrived on the 15th of October. This was her third visit to these Islands, where in all she spent upwards of three months. Providence so ordered that from the Islands, she had the opportunity of crossing the Pacific Ocean to the coast of China and of spending upwards of two months among the Celestials at Hong Kong, Macao, and Canton. From thence, in the good ship Leeland, the Chinese and Java Seas were traversed, the Straits of Sunday penetrated, the Indian Ocean crossed, the Cape of Good Hope doubled, the Atlantic Ocean again traced, and on the 5th of May the missionary family arrived in safety at New York city. The following September found the subject of this memoir a resident in the town of Victor, Ontario Co., to which her husband had been appointed, who during all these years had retained his connection with the Genesee Conference. Her travels for the next eight years may be summed up in few words. They were removed from Victor to the village of Pike, thence to Covington, thence to Lancaster, and last to Spencer's Basin [later known as Spencerport]. Her uniform character during these years was that of a faithful, devoted, useful, Methodist preacher's wife. While residing in the latter place, in 1853 [should be 1852 - Gustavus' transfer was published in the paper in Dec. 1852], very unexpectedly to her husband she informed him that she would be glad to return again to the Pacific Coast, and there spend the remainder of her days. Sympathizing in this feeling, Mr. Hines asked of Bishop Waugh and obtained a transfer to the Oregon Conference, with the privilege of returning to the country by way of the Plains. The journey across the Plains, which was performed the same year [actually next year, 1853], was one of great interest to Mrs. Hines though attended with great toil and exposure. It was also marked by many thrilling incidents, all but one of which must here be passed over. The company to which she belonged were nooning on Burnt River where the grass and herbage were exceedingly dry. While she was engaged in preparing dinner, the sun shining brightly on the earth, she did not observe that the fire was running under her feet. Her dress, which was of cotton, took fire and she almost instantly became enveloped in flames. Some one exclaimed "Mrs. Hines will burn up." Mr. Hines hearing this and looking up saw that not an instant was to be lost; and, springing at once to the rescue, seized the burning dress with both hands, and with one effort tore the entire garment from her person, and casting it upon the ground, in one moment it was reduced to ashes. She has always believed that she was thus saved from the terrible fate of being burned to death. Their first place of residence after reaching Oregon in October, 1853 was on the Vancouver circuit; and in the spring of 1854 by virtue of the appointment of Mr. H. to Salem she became a resident of that city. On this year she received a third orphan [this was Marie Smith] into her family and into her heart: and in her education and training she ever manifested the care, solicitude and affection of a most devoted mother. Here, for fourteen years she has had a settled home, though from time to time she has extended her travels to various parts of the State and Washington Territory. Wherever she has been she has not failed to leave the impression of her many excellencies upon all who understood her character. In this home she closed her highly useful and eventful life in great peace, March 14th, 1870. Though her last sufferings were great, and protracted, her patience, her faith, her hope were strong and unwavering. Her joy in the Lord at times was triumphant. "All is peace;" "All is bright;" "Praise the Lord" were some of her last expressions. The dying hour of the Christian! 'Tis the most solemn, yet it is the most sublime, the most glorious hour of their lives. N. Rounds [Note: The Rev. Nelson Rounds, D.D. was a first cousin of Lydia's husband, Gustavus Hines. Nelson's father, Alfred Round, was a younger brother of Gustavus' mother, Betsey Round. Different generations of the family varied in their spelling of the surname with or without the terminal "s."] Transcribed from the California Christian Advocate, March 6, 1913, p.3, by H.J. Peters, third great grandnephew of Joseph Wilkinson Hines. DEATH OF JOSEPH W. HINES [b. 7 Jan 1824, Herkimer Co., NY The death of Mr. Joseph W. Hines takes from our midst one of our most esteemed Methodist pioneers. He was a brother of Dr. H.K. Hines, the Methodist pioneer of the Northwest and historian of our Methodism in that part of the Pacific Coast. He came as an itinerant in early days to Oregon and in 1859 to California. He continued in the active ranks until 1871. Since that time he has been practically in the ranks of the laymen. For more than a dozen years he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the College of the Pacific. He was much esteemed for his whole-hearted and joyous service. He took an active part in sustaining the Union cause in California during the Civil War. He possessed a clear strong mind and has been a frequent contributor to the columns of the California Christian Advocate. He gave of his time and means cheerfully, heartily to the College of the Pacific. He has lived a long and useful life, having reached the great age of 89 years. Personally Mr. Hines was of an extremely happy and joyous temperament. He always had a greeting for his friends. His face was habitually lighted with a smile. He had some strong ideas, perhaps some eccentric and unusual ideas, advanced ideas, but with all this he kept good natured and friendly with those who radically differed from him. He was an enthusiast over the Santa Clara Valley. Few men in the Santa Clara Valley were more universally esteemed than Mr. Hines. He took great interest in the campaign to pay off the debt on the University of the Pacific. On the occasion of raising of the final $3,000 of the more than $50,000 debt, Bishop Hamilton was in charge of the service. The subscriptions were coming in slowly, the enthusiasm seemed to be waning when Hines arose and began to subscribe for his children and his grandchildren. The enthusiasm was contagious and the whole debt was wiped out in a few minutes. He was one of the few men who never seemed to grow old. His good nature, his cheerful and joyous spirit made him delightful to the end of his eventful life. "Well done" belongs to him. Thank you to Judy Morgan for the following three obituary submissions! obit 1/29/1906 Evening Telegram, Herkimer, NY Charles L. Fisher At his home in Fort Herkimer Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, occurred the death of Charles L. Fisher, a man who was well and favorably known in this section of the county. Mr Fisher was taken sick about three weeks ago with pneumonia, which was the cause of death. The deceased was 62 years old and was born on the Fisher homestead just north of this village, but has been a resident of Fort Herkimer, which is in the town of German Flats, since a small boy. His business was that of farming. He was a son of the late Garrett L. Fisher and Amy Crist Fisher. Thirty-nine years ago he married Miss Esther VanBuren of Springfield Center, who survives him. He is also survived by two sons, Berton and Melvin Fisher, both of Fort Herkimer. The funeral will be held at the late home of the deceased Wednesday at 1 p.m., Rev. J. Dyke of this village officiating. The remains will be brought to this village by Undertaker Howell for burial in Oak Hill cemetery. Obit from Newport newspaper 7/3/1962 edition Arthur Parmer Dies, Newport Resident Newport--- Arthur O. Parmer, 80, a retired employee of the Borden Co. plant here, died in Schuyler Nursing Home, Frankfort, yesterday. He was born in Springfield, a son of William and Hannah VanBuren Palmer. In 1915, he married the former Hattie Laymon. She died in 1952. Mr Parmer was a member of the Newport Baptist Church. Surviving are his daughter Mrs. Gerald Nightengale, Ft Myers, Fla., three sons; Arthur and Floyd, both of Mohawk RD, and William, Las Vegas, New Mexico. Rev. John F. Madden, Poland Community Baptist Church pastor, will conduct services at 10:30 a.m. Thursday from the Autenrith Funeral Home, where friends may call from 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow. Burial will be in Newport Cemetery. Obit from Newport newspaper 4/10/1952 edition Hattie Lula (Laymon) Parmer, 52, Newport Resident, Dies Newport-- -Mrs Arthur Parmer, 52, this village, died yesterday in Herkimer Memorial Hospital. She was born Oct 7, 1899, in Jordanville, a daughter of the late James and Emma Baldwin Laymon. Her marriage to Mr. Parmer took place on Dec 15, 1915. She has resided in this village for the past 14 years, and was a member of the First Baptist Church. Besides her husband, she leaves three sons, Arthur, this village, William, Greenville, S.C., and Floyd, with the U.S. Army in Korea; five grandchildren; one sister, Mrs Harry Everson, Cold Brook, three brothers, Walter, Marvin and Albert Laymon, all of Cherry Valley. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Saturday from the Autenrith Funeral Home with the Rev. Douglas Densmore, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Newport Cemetery. Source: the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, December 1947, Vol. XXXV, No. 4, p. 118. NECROLOGY The death of Mr. Stanley K. IVERSON caused by the disastrous explosion on 16 August 1947 which wrecked the plant of the St. Johnsville Enterprise and News of which he was editor and publisher, was a great shock to the whole Mohawk Valley and to the many subscribers to the paper scattered over the United States. He was a young man of such value to the community that his loss to St. Johnsville seems almost irreparable. When he took over the paper in 1941, he continued the department of genealogy and history which had been inaugurated by Mr. Lou D. MacWethy twenty or more years ago. This feature gave the paper an extensive and widespread circulation among people all over the United States interested in such matters, and was valued by a number of N. G. S. members. Not only the newspaper fraternity but people all over the country who valued the paper and Mr. Iverson join in sorrow at his tragic passing caused by lighting a match when investigating the source of escaping gas in the basement of the plant. He was terribly burned and died soon afterwards. Funeral services were held Monday, the 18th, and his body was taken to Appleton, Minn. for interment. Mr. Iverson was active in numerous fraternal, civic, historical and church organizations. He was born in Appleton, 10 Dec. 1911, the son of Sever and Hannah Beck Iverson. He graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Journalism. The N. G. S. extends heartfelt sympathy to the members of his family; his wife, his parents who live in Appleton, one sister, and one brother. From The Evening Herald, December 7, 1899, page 3, a Syracuse NY newspaper: FOUND DYING IN SNOW WELL KNOWN HERKIMER COUNTY FARMER'S END. Wellington Jackson, Seventy Years Old, Was Probably a Victim of Heart Disease - All Efforts to Around Him Proved Futile. HERKIMER, Dec. 7.- Wellington Jackson, an aged and well known farmer who resides about six miles north of this village, died suddenly yesterday afternoon. Mr. Jackson had been at work at the County House and had started to walk to his home when over-come. Newton Smith of Shells Bush, who happened by at the time, saw him apparently resting by the side of the road. Mr. Smith spoke to him but received no reply. He then got out of his wagon and as he approached Mr. Jackson he saw that he was unconscious. He placed Mr. Jackson in the wagon and drove to his home but found no one there, as Mrs. Jackson had gone to Middleville. Mr. Smith then drove to the home of Frank B. Smith, the next neighbor, and they took Mr. Jackson in. Mrs. Jackson was notified and a doctor was also summoned. Restoratives were applied but to no avail and he died a short time after having been taken into the house. Heart disease is thought to be the cause of death. Coroner Williams was notified but he deemed an inquest unnecessary. Mr. Jackson was born in the town of Fairfield seventy years ago but the greater part of his life has been spent but a few miles from this village. He was well and favorably known throughout this section and had many friends in Herkimer and Fairfield. He leaves a widow and one son, Frederick H. Jackson of Buffalo, a daughter, Miss Grace Jackson of Utica, and a brother, Washington Jackson of this town. W. I Taber of this village is a nephew of the deceased. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. From The Evening Herald, December 20, 1899, page 3, a Syracuse
NY newspaper: Elizabeth Hammond's obituary was found by Lisa Slaski! Utica Morning Herald (about 16 Dec 1869) Died At Cold Brook, Herkimer County, on the 15th (or 13th?) Inst, of consumption, Elizabeth, wife of John Hammond, in the fiftieth year of her age. Her funeral will be attended at the Methodist church, on the River road in Marcy, on Friday the 18th? Inst., at 1 o'clock p.m. The following two death notices were found by Lisa Slaski! Utica Morning Herald, 18 Dec 1896 Byron E. Hollenbeck of No. 135 Nichols street, has been called to Van Hornesville by the death of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hollenbeck. Utica Herald Dispatch, 24 Jul 1913 Fort Plain Mrs. Harriett DeGarmo, aged 83 years, one of the oldest and best known residents of Starkville, died at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Jennie Richards, at that place yesterday. Mrs. DeGarmo was well known to a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will greatly regret learning the news of her death. She had been in ill health for the past two years. Besides the granddaughter mentioned she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Fred Wiltse of Herkimer. The funeral will be held from her late home Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock and the interment will be made in the family plot at Starkville. The Rev. Dr. B. E. Fake of this village will be the officiating clergyman. Duane Morehouse's funeral notice was found by Lisa Slaski! "Newspaper date unknown, but clues are that it was published on or about May 25 in a year between 1894 and 1895. According to the 1870 and 1880 census, Duane Morehouse was 7 and 17 years old respectively." The remains of Duane Morehouse of Cold Brook were laid to rest in our cemetery last Friday. Deceased was about 32 years of age and had always resided in Cold Brook and was one of its most prominent young men. The funeral was largely attended from the church in Cold Brook, Rev. F. K. Pierre officiating. A quartette consisting of Prof. V. K. Barker of Cold Brook, Mrs. Mary Terry, Mrs. Nettle Owens and J. ? Knights of Poland furnished the singing. The floral tributes were beautiful. George E. Combs' death notice was contributed by site co-coordinator Lisa Slaski! Boonville Herald, unknown date, ca. 1897-1900 Grant George E. Combs departed this life Wednesday, March 18[?] aged 61[?] years. He was a life long resident of this place. He has been in poor health for many years and during the past fall and winter has been much worse and was a great sufferer until the end came. Besides his wife, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. August Hoofmister of Morehouseville and Nettie and Eva Combs, also one son, Charles E. Combs, who sadly mourn the departure of a loving husband and father. The funeral was held Saturday at the church. Rev. J. B. Coy, pastor of the Baptist church of which Mr. Combs was a member, officiated. News of James Coppinger's tragic accidental death was found in The West Winfield News, August 20, 1886, (Vol. III, No. 21) a West Winfield, NY newspaper, published by C. D. Wheeler. James Coppinger, a porter at the Spring House, Richfield Springs, drank on Sunday, August 7, by mistake, from a bottle containing aqua ammonia. He was taken to St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Utica, and died on Tuesday. (page 3) Lots more obits on the Obits Bulletin Board Part 14. Back to Herkimer County NYGenWeb Created: 1/21/07 Last Entries Updated: 9/10/07 Copyright © 2007 - 2022 Lisa Slaski / M. Magill / Judy Morgan / Carol Grainger / Charlott Jones / Steven Knight / Hal Peters Obits Indexing © 2008 Paul McLaughlin All Rights Reserved. |