MARRIAGE NOTICES FROM NEWSPAPERSPART 1Herkimer and Montgomery Counties, N.Y.Published marriage notices - so important for finding elusive maiden names and forgotten spouses, and for DAR application documentation! Do you have one tucked into a scrapbook? Do you have a pre-1930 newspaper that you could type up the maritals from, even if they're not your own relatives? If so, please email them in to the site coordinators.
From the Herkimer Democrat 2-28-1894.
Fletcher-Hilts. Herkimer Historical Society note: The Rev. B.B. Gibbs was the pastor of the Herkimer Universalist Church.
Herkimer Democrat 2-24-1869. Note: William Franklin, s/o Aaron & Ann Hilts. Helen, d/o James & Lany (Smith) Harter.
Herkimer Democrat 4-10-1895. Note: It was written John G. but his name was John Charles, son of unknown & Helen Blandena Hilts. John was born in Herkimer, but his mother was born in Oneida County.Stella Amanda, d/o Charles O. & Sarah Ingraham.
Herkimer Democrat 2-14-1866. Note: Andrew, s/o William G. & Delia (Baldwin) Hilts. Harriet, d/o Benjamin F. & Moriah Lane.
Herkimer Democrat 4-17-1878. Note: Lorenzo George, s/o Philip & Mary Jane (Joslyn) Hilts.
Herkimer Democrat 1-11-1860.
H.J. 4-12-1843.
Herkimer Democrat 1-8-1868. Note: George Henry, s/o Christopher and Mary (Harter) Hilts.
Herkimer Democrat 1-4-1871. Note: Alice, s/o John S. & Elizabeth Cristman.
Herkimer Democrat 1-7-1891.
Herkimer Democrat, 12-7-1898.
Herkimer Citizen, 12-24-1889. Note: Agnes was the daughter of Resselaer Smith & Elizabeth (Hilts) Tanner. Elizabeth Hilts was the daughter of Aaron Hilts and his wife Ann.
Herkimer Democrat, 1-8-1868.
Herkimer Democrat, 6-4-1873.
? Citizen, 3-16-1900.
Source Unknown. Note: Arthur John Hilts was the son of Philo and Margaret (Rogers) Hilts; grandson of Christopher and Mary (Harter) Hilts.
Herkimer Democrat, 1-16-1889.
Evening Times Matrimonial About seventy-five guests assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Perry last evening to witness the marriage of their daughter, Clara, to William Roulette of Herkimer. The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. L.J. Dean, under and arch of golden rod. Miss Genevieve Frank acted as flower girl, Miss Josie Davis was maid of honor and Robert Adams acted as best man. Mrs. D. Eysaman played the wedding march. Among those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Perry and sons, Washington Mills, the groom's parents and sister of Herkimer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank and children and Miss Emma Moshier of Utica and John Roulette of Middleville. Mr. and Mrs. Roulette will make their home in this village.
Miner Pauth & Catherine C. Arnold Matrimonial In this city last evening Miner Pauth and Miss Catherine C. Arnold, both residents of Little Falls, were united in matrimony. The attending couple were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Grose, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. D. Leete, pastor of the Methodist church. The groom and bride have lived here from birth and have many friends who extend their best wishes for a prosperous and happy voyage in life.
George BEARD Jr. & Addie L. ARNOLD Matrimonial George Beard, Jr. and Miss Addie L. Arnold were married at the Baptist parsonage last evening by the Rev. L. J. Dean. Benjamin Beard acted at best man and Miss Hattie Brown was the bridesmaid. Mr. Beard is a promising young man and clerk at Ingham Bros. Store. Miss Arnold is from one of the Little Falls' oldest families and is an esteemed young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Beard's many friends extend best wishes.
Levi Gross & Eva Bella Burney Matrimonial At the residence of the bride's parents, 175 Church St., last evening Levi Gross and Miss Eva Bella Burney were united in matrimony by Rev. F. D. Leete. Miner Pauth and Miss Katie Arnold were the assisting couple. After the ceremony a bountiful collation was enjoyed by the company present.
Published January 6, 1842 Edward Arnold Jr. m. Christina McChesney, both of Little Falls December 30, 1841. Published July 9, 1873 Wm. Arnold of Little Falls m. Helen E. Phillips of Fort Plain June 25, 1873 Published November 22, 1865 Robert Arnold m. Margaret Hilts, both of Little Falls, in Herkimer. Note: Married 15, November 1865. MARRIAGE NOTICE
MARRIED Published July 12, 1901 Irving O. Arnold m. Minnie A. Whalen, both of Little Falls, July 10, 1901 in Little Falls. *****Note: All the Arnold marriages above are related to my Arnold family. All the Arnold's below I'm still attempting to verify and document if they are related or not. Published January 2, 1884 David E. Arnold m. Cora Dager, both of Little Falls December 24, 1883 in Little Falls. Published November 29, 1893 J. Colfax Arnold of Little Falls m. Florence M. Arnold of Washington in Mohawk September 4, 1893 Published February 22, 1860 Daniel B. Arnold of Fairfield m. Cordelia M. Churchill of Little Falls February 15, 1860 in Little Falls Published February 14, 1833 Abel H. Arnold of Little Falls m. Jane Sherman of Newport February 7, 1833
The Radii, MARRIED. PHILLIPS-BLOWERS--At the M.E. Church, in this village, Oct. 13th, by the Rev. G.W. BROWN, Mr. J. BRUMLEY PHILLIPS, and Miss BELIZA BLOWERS, both of Canajoharie. WHITE-MONK--At the residence of Mrs. SCHMELTZ, Oct. 7th, by Rev. W.S. TITUS, AUGUSTUS WHITE to Mrs. JOSEPHINE MONK, both of Canajoharie. WELLS-HILL--At the residence of Mrs. GIFFORD HILL, Oct. 8th, by Rev. W.S. TITUS, DEWITT WELLS to Miss DELIA HILL, both of Ames. HILLABRANDT-SCHUYLER--By Rev. THOS. W. JONES, Oct. 1st, at the residence of the bride, in Sammonsville, WESLEY HILLABRANDT, to KATE, only daughter of JAY SCHUYLER. GREENE-MOORE--At Olivet, Mich., Oct. 8th, Mr. HENRY E. GREENE, of Amsterdam, to Miss NELLIE K. MOORE, of the former place. YOUNG-STANLEY--At the residence of the bride's parents, in the town of Florida, Sept. 30th, by Rev. Mr. PEARCE, Mr. JAMES YOUNG, to Miss ALICE, daughter of GARRETT STANLEY, Esq., both of Florida. WORMUTH-LIPE--At the residence of JOHN LIPE, Esq., Sept. 9th, by the Rev. C. DIEFENDORF, Mr. JEROME C. WORMUTH, to NANCY C. LIPE, all of Sharon. QUACKENBUSH-VAN BURGEN--Married in East Albany, on Thursday evening, Oct. 8th, by Rev. RUFUS WENDELL, Mr. SAMUEL I. QUACKENBUSH, of Canajoharie, and Miss MARY L. VAN BURGEN of the former place.
The Radii, MARRIED. BAUDER-WELDEN--At Cramer's Corners, April 8th, by Rev. M.W. EMPLE, HERMAN H. BAUDER and Miss FRANCES WELDEN, all of Stark. THOMPSON-JORDAN--At the Lutheran parsonage, Frey's Bush, April 14th by REV. M.W. EMPLE, GEORGE D. THOMPSON of East Worcester, and Miss SARAH E. JORDAN, of Stark. VAN OSTRAND-LYNCH--In Fort Plain, April 14th, by Rev. J.H. BROWN, EMMET VAN OSTRAND, of Johnstown, and Miss ALLIE LYNCH, of Fort Plain. CARTER-LOADWICK--At the residence of the bride's father, April 13th, by Rev. S.M. COOK, ELMER CARTER, and BIRDELLA LOADWICK, both of St. Johnsville. 1/16/05 - There was a 23-month gap between the most recent contribution and the previous contributor's donations. Please contribute your family's pre-1930 local newspaper marriage notices to the site coordinators.
Amsterdam Evening Recorder, MATRIMONIAL. Fort Plain, August 14.--Leo J. C. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Smith of this village, and Miss Marian Dingman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dingman of Canajoharie, were united in marriage Wednesday at Canajoharie by the Rev. Father Ready. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith of Cherry Valley. The bride is a teacher in the Hessville school and the bridegroom is a mail carrier connected with the Fort Plain post office and is a well known and popular young man. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for a two weeks automobile trip to Pittsfield and Boston, where they will take the boat for New York. Upon their return they will reside at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, on Wagner street. The bridegroom's gift to his bride was a string of pearl beads and to the best man a silver cigarette holder. The bride presented the bridesmaid a sum of money. The marital notice of Ruth Comstock and William Andrew Nabinger was contributed by Steven Knight! Herkimer Democrat 1913: Little Falls, July 2 - Miss Ruth Comstock was united in marriage at 8:30 last evening to William Andrew Nabinger of Herkimer, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Comstock. Rev. C. M. Starkweather of the M. E. Church was the officiating clergyman and the attending couple were David Nabinger, brother of the groom, and Miss Leah Gibbs, cousin of the bride. The ring bearer was Alice Nabinger, sister of the groom, and ring bearers were Nina Leahman, cousin of the groom and Ilah Comstock, cousin of the bride. The ushers were Edward Brown and Miss Anna MacMahon. Mrs. David Eysaman played the Lohengrin wedding march, the bridal party entering the parlor at 8:30. The brife wore white crepe de chine over messaline, and carried a bouquet of bride's roses, and her maid was attired in embroidered net over white messaline. She carried a bouquet of pink Killarney roses. The bride presented her maid with a pearl brooch, while the gromm's gifts to the best man and ushers were scarf pins. A buffet luncheon was served at the Comstock home after the ceremony and the couple departed at 11:15 to spend their honeymoon in the eastern part of the state. They are to be at home at 434 North Washington Street, Herkimer, after August 1. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nabinger of Steuben Street, Herkimer. Both are worthy and popular young people who have hearty congratulations of many friends. Note: William is my uncle and the eldest son of Henry and (Amanda) Mae Warner Nabinger, my grandparents. Steven Knight The marriage notice of David B. Nabinger and Inez Shufelt was contributed by Steven Knight! Herkimer Democrat, 1917: At the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal church last evening, Pastor J. S. Wilds united in marriage David B. Nabinger of this village and Miss Inez Shufelt of North Ilion. They were attended by Miss Ruth H. Nabinger, sister of the groom, and Ernest A. Taylor. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Shufelt and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nabinger of Prescott street. Both have many friends to wish them a happy and prosperous matrimonial career. Note: This announcement was taken from the files of the Herkimer Co. Historical Society & bears a hand written notation of "8-5-17". Other sources indicate the marriage date as 8/15/1917. The maid of honor, Ruth Nabinger, and the best man Ernest Taylor were marrieda few months later on 21 Dec. 1917. David and Ruth's parents, Henry and (Amanda) Mae Warner Nabinger are my grandparents. Steven Knight The marriage notice of Marion C. Wood of Ilion and Jack B. Nabinger of Herkimer was contributed by Steven Knight! Herkimer Evening Telegram, 1 July 1939: ILION GIRL BECOMES BRIDE OF HERKIMERITE Miss Marion Wood Weds Jacob Nabinger in Ceremony in Ilion Methodist Church Ilion - Miss Marion C. Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wood, 30 North Fifth Ave., and Jack B. Nabinger, 518 Steuben Rd., Herkimer, were married this afternoon at 2 in the Methodist Church by the Rev. Earnest C. Love. They were attended by Miss Ruth Short and Leon Nabinger, cousins of the groom. Other attendants of the bride were Marion and Doris McCorn, Doris Smith and Jenentta Love. Gowned in white chiffon, the bride wore a floor length veil that has been a family heirloom. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. The bridesmaid wore aqua chiffon with a short veil. She wore a pink tiara and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Following the wedding a reception was scheduled at the home of the bride's parents for members of the immediate families. A wedding trip through the northern part of the state and Canada has been planned. The bride was graduated from Ilion high school in 1935 and attended Syracuse University. Her husband attended Herkimer high school and is employed by the H. P. Snyder Mfg. Co. at Little Falls. They will live at 30 North Fifth Ave. when they return. Pre-nuptial events included a variety shower by Mrs. Donald Cook of Hubbardsville, a monetary shower by Miss Eve Lonis and Miss June Browning, personal shower by Mrs. Theron Hurdic of Mohawk. Guests attended the events from Hubbardsville, Bridgewater, North Brookfield, Utica, Hamilton, Texas and North Carolina. Note: A mis-print in the sub-headline names the groom as Jacob Nabinger. The groom is really Jack Nabinger, the son of Jacob. The marriage notice of John C. Vosburgh of Canajoharie and Mrs. Catherine E. Gage was contributed by Rosemary Nadal. "John Vosburgh was a nephew of my grandfather Morgan C. Dingman." Fort Plain Standard The marriage notice of Howard M. Copley and Pernal S. Keller was contributed by Rosemary Nadal. Rosemary is not related to this couple.
Fort Plain Standard Copley-Keller. An unusually pretty wedding was solemnized on Thursday evening, Jan. 6, at 7:30 oclock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Keller, when their only daughter, Pernal S., was married to Howard M. Copley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Copley of Sprout Brook, Rev. R.R. Mitchell of Crown Point officiating. They were attended by Miss Margaret Parsons of Cherry Valley as bridesmaid, Merton Keller, brother of the bride, as best man; Master Walter Keller, brother of the bride, ring bearer, and Ileta Wiles, niece of the bridegroom, as flower girl. The ushers were DeForest White and Leon Hess. To the strains of Lohengrins wedding march, played by Mrs. Lucille Stockwell of Hallsville and Arthur Gross of Sprout Brook, the bridal party entered the living room, where the ceremony was performed in the bay window, under an arch of evergreen with pink and white roses and white wedding bells, the double ring service being used. Sixty relatives and friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. After congratulations the bridal party entered the dining room where a bountiful repast was served. The house was prettily decorated, the color scheme being pink and white. The bride was attired in ivory white satin with pearl trimmings and white silk lace. She wore a silk embroidered net veil crowned with orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of white bridal roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore pink silk crepe with silk embroidery and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The flower girl was dressed in pink crepe de chine and carried a basket of pink sweet peas. The brides gift to her attendant was a rhinestone bracelet, while Mr. Keller received a belt with sterling silver buckle and chain, from the bridegroom. The brides gift to the ring bearer, and flower girl were rings. The ushers gifts were silk scarf. The bride received many beautiful and useful presents, including furniture, silverware, dishes, cut glass, linen and money. The brides going away gown was flag blue satin crepe with hat to match. Her coat was needle-point blue with grey fox collar and cuffs. The happy couple left amid showers of confetti for New York city and other places of interest. On their return they will reside at Sprout Brook at the home of the bridegroom where Mr. Copley is conducting a garage business. Both Mr. and Mrs. Copley have a host of friends who wish them a very happy future. The marriage notice of Angelica Bierbauer and William J. Roser was contributed by Gail Gannotti. Miss Bierbauer was Gail's paternal grandmother's aunt. Utica Press - September 19, 1900 Last evening at the home of the brides father, Louis Bierbauer, was celebrated the marriage of Miss Angelica Bierbauer and the Supervisor William J. Roser, both of this village. The interior of the house was prettily decorated with flowers, ferns, and palms. The officiating clergyman was Rev. A. E. Schmitthenner, pastor of the German Lutheran Church. The bride was handsomely attired in a gown of white tucked pineapple silk with lace trimmings, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. The only ornament which she wore was a sunburst of pearls and diamonds, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Maud S. Leppert, niece of the groom, was gowned in a dress of pale blue taffeta silk, with lace overdress. The grooms attendant was Louis Bierbauer, Jr., brother of the bride. The flower girls were little misses Elinor Heissler and Millicent Froehlich, nieces of the bride, both of Brooklyn. They were handsomely dressed in pink and white. After the ceremony a season of congratulations was in order, after which the guests participated in a collation. The bride is an estimable and popular young lady of this village. She was the recipient of many elaborate presents. Mr. and Mrs. Roser departed for the Central station, where they boarded the 11:59 train. They will visit western cities, including Minneapolis, and after a sojourn of three weeks will return and reside at 10 Main street. Mr. Roser is the present supervisor of the town and a genial young man. He is a member of the Roser Furniture Company. The marriage notice of Ruth Sarah Brown and Robert Eldon Van Deusen was contributed by Karen Dutton. St. Johnsville Enterprise and News, July 12, 1933 Van Deusen-Brown In the bridal party were Mrs. Raymond L. Taylor of New York, sister of the bride; Miss Leila Van Deusen, Clayton Van Deusen and Dayton Van Deusen, sister and brothers of the groom, all of Oneonta. Both Mr. and Mrs. Van Deusen are graduates of Hartwick college, class of 1932. Mrs. Van Deusen has accepted a position as church secretary and director of religious education at the Bedford Presbyterian Church in Brookly where she will begin work in September. Mr. Van Deusen is a student at Hartwick Theological seminary. During the summer he is supplying the pulpit of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter in New York of which Rev. E.J. Flanders is pastor. Both the bride and groom are well known in Oneonta and have the good wishes of many friends. They will make their home in Brooklyn after September 1. A 70th Wedding Anniversary, contributed by the happy couple's g-granddaughter Peggy McSwain. MILLERS OBSERVE 70th YEAR Mr. and Mrs William Miller of 1104 West St. observed their 70th wedding anniversary recently. Mrs. Miller will be 90 in October and her husband is 87. She is the former Mary Ann Jones. A native of England, she came to this country in 1880. The Millers were married in Brookfield, where he was engaged in farming. He later was employed by Remington Arms, the N.Y. Central Railroad and area paper mills. He retired at the age of 70. The couple has three sons, Clarence W. Miller of Lakeland, Fl., Charles Miller of Whitesboro and Robert Miller of Rome. They also have seven grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren. This taken from a newspaper clipping saved by Ethel (Edick) Miller, wife of Clarence Miller. Submitted by great grand-daughter Peggy McSwain. The Millers were married April 17,1900. They lived most of their married lives in the Brookfield area where Mr. Miller was a farmer. They came to Utica where Miller is now employed by the Mutual Box Company. They are members of the Calvary Episcopal Church where Mrs. Miller is a member of the Girls Friendly Society. Both clippings are from N.Y. newspapers, not sure which ones, saved by Ethel Miller. The following six late 19th century marriage notices were contributed by Sarah Israel. The Kilts-Bellinger nuptials are of relevance to Sarah's own research interests. The other five were pasted down on the same scrapbook page. For further information about persons mentioned, please direct all questions to the appropriate local historical society or library.
BROWN-KELLER [February 25, 1891; newspaper unknown]
DAVIS-EATON [date and newspaper unknown]
GOODELL-BROAT [date and newspaper unknown]
KILTS-BELLINGER [February 10, ; newspaper unknown]
NEARING-REESE [August 21, 1889; newspaper unknown] The wedding took place at 6 o'clock P.M., the church having been most beautifully decorated for the occasion by the bride's lady friends, and being nearly filled with invited guests. The ushers were Mr. Samuel Stimson and Mr. Arthur Smith, of Herkimer, Mr. Silas Thompson of Salisbury, and Mr. Charles R. LaRue, of Little Falls, while Mr. C.L. Nearing, of New Lisbon, N.Y., brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The bride, who was most charmingly attired in white silk trimmed with lace and with full court train, as she proceeded up the aisle on the arm of her father was proceeded by four little girls, Miss Bertha Johnson, Misses Magdeleine, Margery and Hazel Hildreth, her maids of honor. The bridegroom, on the arm of his best man, proceeded up the other aisle of the church, and meeting the bridge in front of the altar, they both knelt in silent prayer. The marriage ceremony was then performed by the Rev. Mr. Gray, pastor of the church, using the beautiful and impressive rite of the Episcopal service. Abut an hour later, nearly one hundred invited guests attended a reception at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Reese. The guests were received in the spacious drawing room by Mrs. Morgan A. Reese, assisted by Mrs. S.A. Johnson, of Boonville. The bride and groom stood in front of a large screen covered with golden rod, and on the either side of them were palms, ferns and golden rod, the entire suite of departments being most exquisitely decorated with flowers, the prevailing colors of which were white and yellow. So profuse were the floral embellishments that it seemed as though nature herself had joyously contributed towards making the whole interior a gem of art. During the evening, a most delicious repast was served by caterer Owens, of Utica, and his corps of assistants. At ten o'clock, amid a shower of rice, old shoes and good wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Nearing left for the sea shore. A very pleasant incident of the evening was a receipt of a dispatch from the bridegroom's law partners, which was read aloud to the guests at the reception by Rev. Mr. Gray, as follows:
Kansas City, Aug. 21, 1889 The presents were very numerous and handsome. Guests were present from New York, Kansas City, Omaha, Washington, Syracuse, New Lisbon, Little Falls, and ______ (remainder of clipping cut off).
PANK-HERBERT [date and newspaper unknown] |
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